Greg: Well, excited to get a feel for Scandinavia and some hotties.
Hugo: The hotties?
Greg: Arctic foxes. A bit of Norwegian wood.
Tom: Greg, show some respect.
Hugo: It's not a trip to the Guggenheim, Greg. It's musical electric chairs.

With the ATM carveout, I'm not worried about Matsson. I'm worried about being whacked by the cast of Bugsy Malone over there.


Hey, come on, guys. Listen. Sure, they're young, and they're fit, but they're European. They're soft, hammocked in their social security safety net, sick on vacation mania, and free healthcare. They may think they're Vikings, but we've been raised by wolves, exposed to a pathogen that goes by the name Logan Roy, and they have no idea what's coming to them. OK?


So. Which way to Chairman Mattson's reeducation camp?


Hey. Are you guys OK to talk because, uh, Marcia's been in, and she's talkin' about putting him in kilt like a fuckin' Bay City Roller.


Matsson: Can we get into it? I feel like I want to say shit. Can we get into it? Do you want me to wait?
Roman: Yeah, yeah. Let's get into it. Ah, we've come to to say that, um, we like your offer, but we don't as yet think it reflects the full valuation of the potential of what you're purchasing.
Matsson: OK. And your stock dropped 20% on Friday?
Kendall: And regained ten Monday.
Matsson: OK.
Kendall: Logan was never going to be a part of the company going forward. I mean, in a business sense, his absence is not relevant.
Roman: Our key growth factors are unaffected by our father's passing. The dip is a dip; it's not-
Matsson: I still feel like I'm going to the checkout at a sale and being asked to pay more.

Kendall: We can't navigate by dad maps. He's not here.
Shiv: I know he's not here. I have a giant hole in my heart and a 24-hour migraine.

Kendall: I gotta say, I just think fundamentally, you're wrong.
Matsson: Yeah? Well, I don't care what you think. You're a tribute band.
Shiv: Uh, we OK?
Matsson: Yeah, we're OK. We're OK. I'm just tryin' to make you fuckin' rich.
Kendall: Already rich.

Oh my. Poor bastards. Hanging in the window like Peking Duck.


Kendall: It's a fuckin' tightrope walk on a straight razor. Five-hundred-foot reputational drop.
Roman: OK. Why is that making you smile? That shouldn't make you smile. Who likes tightrope walking a straight razor? Nutbag.

We're snakes on a plane.


Kendall: What do you think? How does it feel?
Roman: Oh, yeah. I don't know. Not great, but also, I guess, that's the thing, right? We're selling. It's like, have we won or lost? It's kind of hard to tell.
Kendall: Because I think I'd like to tank the deal.
Roman: Keep ATN?
Kendall: I think tank the whole deal. Like, kill it. Blow it up.
Roman: Huh. Well, that's quite the high-risk piece of fuckin' sword-swallowing.
Kendall: I like running the ship. I think we're good at it, and I don't want to stop. I mean, do you?
Roman: Well, everyone wants the deal. It's dad's deal.
Kendall: He's a bad fit.
Roman: Yeah.
Kendall: He's a bad fit. You know it. He doesn't get the company, and I think he's gonna fuck it. We've seen him up close, and he's a card trick, and he's gonna destroy everything dad built.

Succession Season 4 Quotes

This isn't fuckin' Shake Shack, Greg. This isn't a pre-fuck party; it's a birthday party.


Kendall: The Hundred is Substack meets Masterclass meets The Economist meets The New Yorker.
Roman: I feel like we said iconic, and you guys are leaning ironic.