Roman: You don't treat me with sufficient respect, and that's a problem.
Gerri: Uh huh.
Roman: Or maybe I'll fire you, too.
Gerri: Sure. I'm not on the kill list.
Roman: So.
Gerri: So, Matsson will be very angry.
Roman: Fuck Matsson. I don't care.
Gerri: Be serious. You're minding shop. Roman. Oh, no, no, no, no. Roman! You cannot win against the money. The money is going to wash you away. Your dad knew. Tech is coming; we are over. Make your accommodation.
Roman: This is a simple business decision. You are not good at your job. Maybe Dad did know. Maybe I'm firing you for a list of failures I choose not to outline right now but including a failure to close off our liabilities, Vis-à-vis claims against Waystar cruises in a timely manner. That will play nicely. Let's do that.
Gerri: I am good at my job.
Roman: Shall we get started on the paperwork? You want to do it yourself, or do you want me to get somebody a bit sharper? Bye.

Roman: Well, something about this all does depress me.
Kendall: Oh yeah? And, uh, do you think it's this speech written specifically for our late father or the fact we're planning to warehouse the elderly and keep them drunk on content while we suck 'em dollar dry?

You're scheduling your grief?


Matsson: Well, you keep me looped, my girl on the inside.
Shiv: Oh, fuck you my boy on the outside. You know, I'm going to tell my brothers everything you said.

Living+. No, it's land cruises. Hey, you know how shitty and heartbreaking it is being locked up on a cruise? How about that, but you also get to stay in the same fucking place the whole time. I'm not gonna pursue, so why would you announce?


Good to see you, Dad.


The king is dead; long live the king, kings, and queen! Long live the kings and queen!


How am I supposed to follow this? He just promised them eternal life.

Tom [whispering to Greg backstage]

It's really well-edited.


If I cringe any harder, I might become a fossil.


Kendall: It wasn't the plan, but maybe it plays.
Roman: Um hm. Now if a deal collapses in the woods and no one hears it, is it an SEC violation?

Let's go get the deal. Let's bleed the Swede.


Succession Season 4 Quotes

This isn't fuckin' Shake Shack, Greg. This isn't a pre-fuck party; it's a birthday party.


Kendall: The Hundred is Substack meets Masterclass meets The Economist meets The New Yorker.
Roman: I feel like we said iconic, and you guys are leaning ironic.