Mariner: Nothing good ever comes from a cave mission.
Rutherford: I like a good cave. The flat floors. The weird smell. [deep breath] Cavey.

Mariner: Any, uh, unspeakable evils in here? Can we skip past the waiting and just attack us now?
Boimler: Will you stop it? I’ll just call for an evac. [clicks communicator futilely]
Mariner: Bunch of rocks always beats centuries of technological progress.

Tendi: I think this was actually one of the best days of my life.
Mariner: Uh, you mean with the zombie outbreak, then getting stuck in here and peeing in the corner?
Tendi: Well, I didn’t love peeing in the corner.

Boimler: Please let us go! I thought you were just a paranoid anxiety made up by people who needed an imagined enemy to simulate order on unrelated disasters so life doesn’t feel so random and chaotic.
Vendorian: Ha! That is what we wanted you to think.

Tendi: I just wanted to say it doesn’t matter if we start hanging out with Steve Levy or Delta Shift or having a baby, we’ll always be friends. I love you guys.
Moss: I’ve eaten many outsiders in this cave, but I have never made a friend. Can we be friends?

Rutherford: Okay, shuttle grappler test 85.
Boimler: Sorry, why can’t the apple be on a crate?
Rutherford: Cause it’s a grappler. It has to be precise!

Tendi: Science and Engineering are messy. I love that you stick with it especially when it doesn’t work the way you wanted.
Rutherford: It’d be nice if it worked sometimes though.

I thought seeing the life drain from your fluid-filled eyes would bring me peace, but this compassion is connecting with me in a way I couldn’t imagine.


Badgey: Boop on the nose! Boop! Boop on the nose!
Shaxs: He’s bypassing our shields! We can’t take many more boops!

Parents are not directly responsible for the actions of their children.


Peanut Hamper: Wow! These are looking great!
Agimus: Aren’t they? I calculated the perfect ratio of sunlight and hydration. Apparently, lifeforms are as easy to grow as they are to annihilate.

Peanut Hamper: Awwww, Ags! We can still be friends without vanquishing people!
Agimus: Really? I’d like that.

Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 4 Quotes

Kayshon: The ship was damaged by cheese?
Ransom: It’s Voyager. Sh*t got freaky.

Ransom: Promotions are coming up and I think you’ll be very happy.
Boimler: Wait, really? I’m getting a promotion?
Ransom: As long as nothing goes sideways today, you’ll be a Lieutenant Junior Grade.
Boimler: But stuff always goes sideways!
Ransom: Relax. You’d have to screw up in a historically significant way to mess this one up.
Boimler: Okay, yeah, what are the odds of that?