Locarno: Hello, Alpha Quadrant! Independent captain Nick Locarno here with a message for anyone who feels like an afterthought.
Rutherford: He looks like Tom Paris.
Boimler: I don’t see it.

Locarno: Open a subspace channel, all bands, quadrant-wide. How do I look?
Mariner: Confident, but, y’know, in a creepy way?
Locarno: Perfect. That’s what I’m going for.

Mariner: Nice ship. Very… white. And nothing else.
Locarno: Thanks. I designed it myself. None of the Starfleet carpets or wood paneling in here.

Freeman: If we move fast, we can still track his warp trajectory.
Vassery: Unfortunately, there is no moving fast in a situation like this.
Admiral Freeman: What situation?
Vassery: Locarno has coordinated mutinies on ships from over a dozen non-Federation planets. If we did something that injured a Klingon or a Romulan…
Admiral Freeman: They turned their backs on their worlds when they moved against their captain!
Vassery: In bloodless coups. We can’t be the first to open fire.

Sorry the mission was a failure, Captain. Who knew a bunch of criminals would hate Starfleet?


Look, we don’t have to like each other. But until we’re off this sh*t planet, we need to work together. How else are you going to get revenge on whoever did this? Each and every one of you comes from a species that chose to travel into space and all the danger that comes with it. We’ve survived worse. If we can work together, nothing can stop us.


Ma’ah: Honor your friend. Slay your enemies. And study your… what is it? Plants?
Mariner: Yeah, I mean, yeah, sometimes it’s plants.

Ma’ah: Sito was a warrior. You do not honor her.
Mariner: You didn’t know her!
Ma’ah: Do you follow every order from your commanders?
Mariner: No.
Ma’ah: Sito made her choice. You want to solve puzzles and mysteries? Your friend gave her life to protect that. Hmph. She would not approve of your actions.
Mariner: You’re… you’re right. She’d say I’m acting like an idiot.

Ma’ah: The shapeshifters sent many warriors to Sto’Vo’Kor. I wish I could’ve seen it.
Mariner: No, you do not. There was no honor, just massacres.
Ma’ah: But, in the end, you were victorious!
Mariner: Starfleet is supposed to be about puzzling together the mysteries of Life, not fighting wars. I don’t want to be a general. I don’t want to send my friends off to die. I just want to be an ensign. If it was good enough for Sito, then it’s good enough for me.

Mariner: Back at the Academy, my dream was to be a captain. I modeled myself after this perfect friend. Sito was everything I wanted to be. I mean, she made some mistakes but she rallied, graduated ahead of me and was stationed on the Enterprise.
Ma’ah: The Enterprise! I have heard tales of its triumphs.
Mariner: Oh yeah, so did she. And it got her murdered by Cardassians. She didn’t sign up to be a spy. She wanted to explore. She… It destroyed me.

Mariner: Stupid knife rain.
Ma’ah: This planet has no honor.

Mariner: I could’ve handled that Cardassian, y’know.
T’Lyn: I have no doubt you would’ve tried.

Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 4 Quotes

Kayshon: The ship was damaged by cheese?
Ransom: It’s Voyager. Sh*t got freaky.

Ransom: Promotions are coming up and I think you’ll be very happy.
Boimler: Wait, really? I’m getting a promotion?
Ransom: As long as nothing goes sideways today, you’ll be a Lieutenant Junior Grade.
Boimler: But stuff always goes sideways!
Ransom: Relax. You’d have to screw up in a historically significant way to mess this one up.
Boimler: Okay, yeah, what are the odds of that?