Marcie: Maybe you don't even know why you do what you do?
Gibbs: Maybe I don't.

At least he left a note behind.


Torres: He's lying.
Bishop: How can you tell?
Torres: His lips are moving.

Bishop: How are you holding up?
Torres: He's taller than I remember.


Miguel [to Torres]

McGee: Boss, don't you miss it? The job?
Gibbs: More to life than the job, McGee.

Vance: Whatever happens next, Gibbs, I can't save you.
Gibbs: I know.

I've got a better question. What are you three even doing here?

Sawyer [to McGee, Torres, and Bishop]

McGee: How did you get a clicker?
Sawyer: By following Vance's orders.

This is not our case. We can't do that. Right?

McGee [to Torres and Bishop]

Thatcher: That shouldn't take an advanced degree.
McGee: I have two of those.

Torres: Sawyer was right. We are the cool kids.
Bishop: Were the cool kids.

NCIS Quotes

Gibbs: You've been saving that one, Mo!
Cabot: You have no idea.

I do love a man in a bow tie.
