Zeke: It's Saanvi.
Saanvi: Hey, uh, can I come in?
Zeke: Be my guest.

Zeke: So the Registry just can't get enough of you, huh? Weren't you just there?
Michaela: Yeah, last week.
Zeke: You're only required to report once a month. I
Michaela: know. Something, uh... something must be up.
Zeke: You think this is about Henry Kim?
Michaela: I hope not. No one's supposed to know he's alive, let alone in the city.

Ben: Olive, where's Eden?
Olive: She took her. Angelina. She killed mom, and she took Eden.

Jared: I haven't seen you in, what, six months? And then I see you twice in one day. What can that mean?
Michaela: Must be a sign.

Vance: You Stones are all the same. You're like moths to danger.
Cal: Is that a metaphor? I missed high school.

Counselor: His last counselor almost quit. How do you get through to these people?
Zeke: They do all the work. I just feel their pain.

All right. I'm proud of you.


Stop trying to hide from your pain. Let it out. It's okay.


Cal: How am I supposed to find what we're looking for, what I was sent back for if I'm just stuck inside this house? The lifeboat needs me.
Ben: Take your Gabriel I.D.

Cal: What are you doing?
Ben: You don't feel the wind.

Cherry blossoms, here you are.


Is that my wife? Get off me.


Manifest Season 4 Quotes

Ben: Olive, where's Eden?
Olive: She took her. Angelina. She killed mom, and she took Eden.

Is that my wife? Get off me.
