Vance: The only one who knows where to find Ben is Eagan, and he's not gonna tell me shit.
Michaela: I'll go first thing.
Zeke: I'll come with.
Michaela: No, your patients need you. I can... I can handle Eagan.

Michaela: Oh. Hey.
Vance: Where's Ben?
Michaela: Nice to see you too, Vance. Thanks for stopping by at this hour. What's up?
Vance: I brokered a deal to get Eagan released if he gave up Eden's location. I was supposed to meet Ben at the address, but your brother gave me the slip.

Michaela: What time is it?
Olive: Way too late for someone to be banging down the door.

Vance: Well, this is a surprise.
Ben: I need a favor.
Vance: It's good to see you too.
Ben: It's about Eden.
Vance: The last time I saw you... A year ago, is it? I told you I'd done everything I could to find Eden. Afterward, you stopped taking my calls, my texts, emails.
Ben: I've been preoccupied.
Vance: Me too.

Ben: Would you help me? You can fix this. He's already served time.
Vance: Let me get this straight. You want me to get a passenger who was a convicted felon released from prison in exchange for information on someone the government declared dead.

Ben: Where is she?
Eagan: Easy now. I know you aren't a professor of physics, but I'm assuming you're familiar with the concept of leverage?
Ben: Where the hell is my daughter? Dumbing it down.
Eagan: If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm the one with leverage in this situation. But we've got a history, so I'll give you a fair deal. You get what you want when you give me what I want.
Ben: And what is that?
Eagan: Benjamin, it's tattooed across my face in black and blue. I want out.

Drea: Hey, girl. Calling to see how you're doing.
Michaela: You too? I'm fine. You guys, I'm fine. Okay.
Drea: I just know it's a tough day. How many years?
Michaela: Since Evie? Four, for me, at least. Anyways, how are you doing? Drea: Oh, me? I am fabulous.

Adrian: I've been thinking, maybe we can call in an anonymous tip. You know, at least let the Stones know she's alive. Maybe even reunite them.
Angelina: Um... I'm the only family this little girl knows. She and I are meant to be together.
Adrian: Because you took her?
Angelina: Eden and I are connected in a way that transcends blood. I think we're even starting to share the same Callings.
Adrian: I'm supposed to protect the people here, and harboring a fugitive puts them in danger. I'll give you some food, cash, but in the morning, you need to go.

Michaela: Uh, Captain. Michaela Stone.
Amuta: Stone. Right, the detective. Not anymore, but it looks like you're still flying.
Amuta: Private jets now. Boss brags he's got an 828 pilot and puts up with the fact that I have to get rubber-stamped here every time I touch down in New York.
Michaela: Look, I know you saw what I saw. The lightning. We're sharing a Calling.
Amuta: I'm due at Teterboro. I have a plane to fly.
Michaela: This isn't something that we can just turn our backs on.
Amuta: I'm sorry. I don't have time for this.
Michaela: Amuta, please! Amuta! Come on. No...

Michaela: We have everything we need for a new investigation.
Jared: The precinct's gonna push back on this.
Michaela: Jared.
Ben: The day I buried Grace, I made a promise that I'd bring our baby home. I've never been this close. We have to move now.
Jared: We gotta bypass the precinct. Meet me at the Registry in an hour.
Ben: The Registry? No, they are not gonna help us. Eden's not even a passenger, and her case is with missing persons.
Jared: There's no law enforcement agency that'd be more aggressive in tracking down a passenger wanted for murder. And an ex-partner of yours has the juice to put it right at the top of their pile.

Vance: I still don't hear anything. No voices. Not even a hum.
Saanvi: I keep trying to enhance the frequency. Let me try this.

Michaela: You had to pick this park, huh?
Jared: It's out of the way. I don't need to remind you how risky it is for a badge to be seen with a passenger. That's why I had Drea send you.
Michaela: This about me at the docks?
Jared: Sort of. China knows Henry's on US soil. NYPD's tasked with bringing him in. There's a team standing by.
Michaela: What are they waiting for?
Jared: A location. We're cooperating with the Chinese. They're getting his coordinates. I just don't know how. Either they're tracking his phone or a watch. Or they're tracking him. If you're stashing this guy somewhere, you need to get him out fast.

Manifest Season 4 Quotes

Ben: Olive, where's Eden?
Olive: She took her. Angelina. She killed mom, and she took Eden.

Is that my wife? Get off me.
