Hold that thought. New ball game. Listen up, folks. Effective immediately, we are to detain every passenger on US soil until further notice.


Forgive me. I thought for so long that you were chasing me. I now realize you chose me. You wanted me to realize I don't need to find an angel. I am the angel.


Zeke: I'm coming with you.
Michaela: Zeke, you can barely walk.

Grace: Ben.
Ben: Grace? I've missed you, my love. I... I'm broken without you.
Grace: No, Ben. You're strong.
Ben: Please help me. What do I do for our boy?
Grace: I'll tell you. But you need to bring Eden to me.

Ben: Eden's Calling led me to them. Someone must have dumped them here. Saanvi: Well, we still don't know what the major did to them or why.

Jared: Wow! You believe all that?
Michaela: Not a word.
Jared: She certainly doesn't like you.
Michaela: I don't need her to if she's not gonna give us proof that Angelina's involved, maybe the bodies will.

Noelle: Who do you think you are? You have some nerve thinking you can flash your badge and barge in. The police were already here, demolishing my home. Do you know what your partner did to me? She abducted my child. Jared: Actually, it sounds like she saved your child from you.
Noelle: How dare you! The only person Angelina needed saving from was herself. I bet she did kill those people. And if that is anyone's fault, that's yours. I tried to protect the world from my fallen angel, and I was doing a fine job of it until you took her away.
Michaela: So you're telling me the last time you saw your daughter was in Costa Rica?
Noelle: The only person I would want in my home less than you is her.

Ben: Look, I'm sorry I yelled at you last night.
Cal: Did something happen?
Ben: Anna Ross was murdered.
Cal: Oh my God.
Ben: Someone's killing 828ers. Can't have anything happen, which is why you gotta lay low. No leaving the house.
Cal: Wait. What? No one even knows who I am.
Ben: Angelina does.
Cal: Who's she gonna tell? The police? They'll arrest her.
Ben: Cal, It's non-negotiable. Your life could be in danger.
Cal: Yeah, some life.
Ben: Cal.
Zeke: He's got a lot on his mind.

Zeke: Hey, bud. You okay?
Cal: Uh, yeah, a lot of smoke in the air last night.
Zeke: You don't sound good.
Cal: Dude, I'm... I'm fine.
Zeke: Hey, for real. You know you can talk to me, right?
Cal: And you know you can talk to me. You absorbed a boatload of rage yesterday.
Zeke: Okay, you're right. Yeah, I did. I never thought I'd be responsible for taking a life. After Chloe, I really thought...
Cal: Hey. Chloe was not your fault.

Olive: What's going on with you?
Cal: During the explosion, I had this Calling. It's not enough.
Olive: What does that mean?
Cal: The Lifeboat is sinking, and we are helpless to stop it.
Olive: No. You're not, okay? You are not helpless. In order to save the Lifeboat, you have to follow the Callings. Okay? You just need to remember.
Cal: I am following the Callings. This one made it crystal clear that our memories, our Callings, they're not enough to balance out the shit that's coming.

Angelina: Mommy!
Angelina's Mother: You're alive? Oh God, help me. Come inside, quick.

Jared: The hell?
Erika: Honeybees. Sunflowers, mint, coriander. Gives the honey an added flavor. That's why the fertilizer.
Jared: So Friendly Farmer Fred routine, huh?
Erika: Just trying to make a life for ourselves. Government hasn't exactly been on our side.
Jared: I get that.

Manifest Season 4 Quotes

Ben: Olive, where's Eden?
Olive: She took her. Angelina. She killed mom, and she took Eden.

Is that my wife? Get off me.
