What are you going to report on in Eric Harbor anyway? An American flag that beats up an apple pie?


You want to know the best way to keep a secret? Pretend there isn’t one.

Penny Gillis

Hilde: I don’t understand. You used to take me out and cover homicides in the South Bronx all the time.
Matt: Yeah, well, that’s because we couldn’t afford a babysitter.

Principal Kim Collins: You and I both know that the world isn’t always kind to trouble makers.
Bridget: Especially little girls. If a little boy did what Hilde did he wouldn’t be in trouble, he’d be the school president.

She’s not like any other kid. She’s my kid and I’m her mom. So no matter how tired I am or how exhausting it can be to deal with someone who is so tiny and so driven, I am going to make damn sure nobody crushes her dreams.


Nevertheless, I persisted.


Hilde: Why are you helping me?
Officer Trip Johnson: I don’t like when they pat me on the head either.

Matt: Be smart.
Hilde: I’d rather be brave.
Matt: Well, be both.

Mayor Fife: I don’t like your tone, young lady. You have no idea what you’re getting into.
Hilde: I feel like being called a young lady should be a compliment but it never sounds like it is.

This joystick only has one button. What are you even supposed to do with that?


This whole town is filled with creepy things. Women get killed, kids disappear and there’s weird creatures in the woods.


So we’re going to stay at my grandpa’s house since he moved to an old folks' home. My Mom and Dad say we’re there to be near him but I think it’s because it’s free and we don’t have anywhere else to go.


Home Before Dark Season 1 Quotes

What are you going to report on in Eric Harbor anyway? An American flag that beats up an apple pie?


So we’re going to stay at my grandpa’s house since he moved to an old folks' home. My Mom and Dad say we’re there to be near him but I think it’s because it’s free and we don’t have anywhere else to go.
