Spoon: What’s a microfiche?
Hilde: It’s like the internet but older and slower and way harder to find things.

What you do, you’ve got to make sure it’s something that you’re proud of because in this moment, who you are right now is going to follow you, it’s going to follow you for a long time. So you make it count, okay?


Matt: There’s nothing to worry about.
Izzy: No, yeah. Of course. I mean you got drunk, got into a fist fight, got a concussion, had a public meltdown, and Hilde got her bike set on fire. Everything’s amazing.

Some fear is good fear. Yeah, it tells you when to put up your guard. People are always going to tell you that you’re overreacting, that you don’t know what you’re talking about and it’s worse for girls. You’ve got to think with your gut.


Mayor Fife: This is crazy having this conversation with a child.
Principal Kim Collins: I know. I am almost getting used to it. Almost.

The only reason I got elected in the first place is because people felt sorry for me. Dead kid’s dad, let’s give him the sympathy vote.

Mayor Fife

You need to move on, Jack. Now we barely survived losing mining and logging and now people are going to be talking like there’s a killer on running loose. Families fleeing like it’s 1988 all over again. Be a leader. Calm people down. Show them that Erie Harbor is a good place to raise a family.

Sheriff Briggs

I don’t know how it works back in New York. Maybe little girls get to cause all the trouble they want without anybody saying anything but here, you get taken away from your parents.

Sheriff Briggs

Penny’s last wish, to be buried in the middle of town so people can’t avoid her anymore. I miss her.

Kim Collins

I’m going to kill your dad right after I kill you.


Hilde: Sam’s in jail because they screwed up.
Matt: Yeah.
Hilde: They’re supposed to be better.
Matt: I know and you’re right but a uniform doesn’t make a superhero. You know, cops are just human and they’re usually trying to do their best but that’s why we, we’ve got to fight. We’ve got to fight to make it right. It’s reporters like us who hold the powerful to account and we’re like a pain in their butt just to make sure they’re doing their jobs.

Mayor Fife: Just because you believe a thing doesn’t mean it’s not true.
Matt: Just because it lets you sleep at night doesn’t mean that it is.

Home Before Dark Season 1 Quotes

What are you going to report on in Eric Harbor anyway? An American flag that beats up an apple pie?


So we’re going to stay at my grandpa’s house since he moved to an old folks' home. My Mom and Dad say we’re there to be near him but I think it’s because it’s free and we don’t have anywhere else to go.
