Officer Trip Johnson: Do you know how much trouble I can get in?
Hilde: Don’t worry, I always protect my sources.
Officer Trip Johnson: Oh, what are you, Woodward or Bernstein?
Hilde: I know I’m only 9-years-old but I think I can help. Besides, I’m really good at this stuff.

I thought that the stereotype was that everyone in a small town is supposed to be nice but honestly, you’re the first one.


That night was like the worst thing that you can imagine but what happened after… Everyone wanted me to say that Sam Gillis did it. They wanted a bad guy but I didn’t get a good look at him that night, but I did hear his voice and it was wrong. It wasn’t Sam so that’s what I said and they sent him to jail anyway.


Matt: Don’t worry, Frank, I’m not here to cause trouble.
Frank: Really? Because for the past couple of decades it’s been really nice and quiet around here. Now we’ve got your kid writing about homicides that aren’t homicides and people are already starting to talk.
Matt: Tell me, Lieutenant, is Holmes county doing an autopsy on Penny Gillis?
Frank: Penny slipped and broke her neck. There’s going to be no autopsy. No waste of taxpayer dollars. There’ll be no cops chasing a ghost when they should be doing their damn jobs.

Izzy: This place is so weird, like horror movie weird.
Hilde: I know, right. But it’s not the kind of horror movie that has a poltergeist or a creepy clown. It’s like the kind that has an explanation for all the weird things that happen.
Izzy: Sure, like a serial killer.
Hilde: Only serial killers can be caught.

Carol Collins: To you, Penny and Richie Fife are just news stories but not to us. I was there when that boy went missing. It broke our hearts. So next time you write about it you remember that.
Hilde: Yes, ma’am.

I feel like the jealous wife all over again except the other woman is a 31-year-old cold case.


You did the right thing. You told the truth, your truth. That is always the right thing.


I wish every mystery could be solved but in the case of Richie Fife his story is far from over. If there’s anything I’ve learned from Penny, it’s that we should never give up on the people we love.


Run. That’s what the kidnapper said to me when he took Richie. Well, I’m not going to run anymore.


Hilde: You guys keep using the word fine. You told me that when people keep using the same word over and over again, that usually means they’re lying.
Matt: I love that you remember that. I love it a little less that you’re trying to use it against me.

So we’re going to stay at my grandpa’s house since he moved to an old folks' home. My Mom and Dad say we’re there to be near him but I think it’s because it’s free and we don’t have anywhere else to go.


Home Before Dark Season 1 Quotes

What are you going to report on in Eric Harbor anyway? An American flag that beats up an apple pie?


So we’re going to stay at my grandpa’s house since he moved to an old folks' home. My Mom and Dad say we’re there to be near him but I think it’s because it’s free and we don’t have anywhere else to go.
