Did somebody order a Thanksgiving spread?


We can't be together.


Where are you going? Blair need you to come over and kill a spider?


Ivy: All that matters is Lily thinks she lost two husbands to me.
Bart: I'm fine being your Elliot Spitzer scandal.

Compared to them, I'm a turtle dove.


If I eat another waffle, I'll puke.


I would never be that cruel to you...on purpose.


What could possibly be so important that you misplaced? Your viagra?


I can't think of any reason to hold back.


Ivy: Careful, Lily. You paid a lot of money to fill those worry lines.
Lily: Listen, you vile little interloper. You and Rufus may have rubbed your last two nickels together to replace my art, but the only people that you are making fools of are yourselves.

Hold it right there, Humpfreak.


I have been cordial to you for the last 52 minutes. Do you have any idea the psychological torture that I've endured being nice to you?


Gossip Girl Quotes

Better lock it down with Nate, B. Clock is ticking.

Gossip Girl

Mrs. Waldorf: If you're gonna wear one of my designs, at least tell me so we can have it fitted.
Blair: Thanks, mom.