Jack: Whatever you saw or you think you saw, you can't tell Chuck.
Blair: Of course I'm going to tell him. He has a right to know. And there's nothing you can do that will make me change my mind!
Jack: This isn't about me. Do you realize how many people get hurt if this gets out? You need to go. You've already complicated things enough by being here. This whole thing was supposed to go off without a hitch. You better hope it still does.

Blair: What just happened? What did you tell him?
Jack: Tell him what?
Blair: What you're really hiding here.

Chuck: Are you my father? Answer me.
Jack: Are you sure you really want to know.

Jack: Chuck, I'd love to chat but I'm late for something very important.
Chuck: You're not going anywhere until I get some answers.
Jack: Unfortunately it's fairly time sensitive so if you could please get out of the way.
Chuck: Diana Payne isn't my mother.
Jack: Sure she is.
Chuck: Admit it. You're the one that's been behind the lies all these years.
Jack: Why do you have to be so melodramatic about everything?
Chuck: Tell the truth Jack. For once in your life, it's time.

Chuck: Jack.
Jack Bass: Hello Chuck.

Serena: This isn't my first rodeo.
Lola: No but it's mine. And it's awesome.

Who doesn't love a road trip. Just watch your blind side, kiddies. Or you'll wind up blindsided.

Chuck: Diana lied to me. She's not my mother. I think she's covering for my father. Well, my real father Jack.
Serena: Chuck, I'm so sorry. I didn't know.
Chuck: That book is the only chance I have at tracking Jack down.
Serena: Well what can I do?
Blair: Be with us, not against us.
Serena: You have me, one hundred percent.

Blair: Did you find your inspiration?
Dan: Yes. But the only problem is it's in Rome.

Chuck: Looks like we might have a lead thanks to Blair's powers of observation.
Blair: But unfortunately the entire clue trail hangs by the flimsiest of threads. Nate's long term memory.

Blair: Apologies. I just needed a few minutes to get into character. If you want to think like Diana Payne, you have to become Diana Payne. {in a British accent} Cheers. Thanks a lot. You're adorable. Spectator.
Chuck: Regardless of whether we find Jack, I can't tell you how glad I am at this moment that Diana isn't really my mother.
Blair: Hand me the book.

Think about it, Serena. You can use this number to track down the real Gossip Girl. I bet you can blackmail into letting you keep the site. She'll quit before she'll risk ever being exposed. And you can stay Gossip Girl forever.


Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Serena: Did you just get a key?
Girl: Yep. And my mom said I'd never get in unless I lost 10 pounds. She's a bitch.