I know what my fathers capable of, but he would never try to kill his own son.


Do one thing before you go. Kiss me, Chuck Bass.


I don't want to be safe. I want to be with you.


Blair: What the hell are you doing?
Bart: Taking you for a little ride.

Congratulations, you've officially joined the dark side.


I don't know how Claire Danes does this, it hurts my head.


Dan: Think they hate me?
Georgina: They fear you. Welcome to the Upper East Side.

Nate, I came up here to make out, not to watch you and Chuck play Wikieaks.


The problem with having Bart behind me is he can stab me in the back.


Blair: Pocahontas needs her John Smith.
Chuck: I always thought of myself more as a John Rolfe kind of man.

What is Thanksgiving without a side of drama?


Did you hear her? She is getting domestic with that wool-haired whiner.


Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Serena: Did you just get a key?
Girl: Yep. And my mom said I'd never get in unless I lost 10 pounds. She's a bitch.