As far as depending on anyone, at some point, we all need to accept help. I promise you that you are safe here and you can trust that this is real.


Mrs: Kwan: We may be Chinese-Americans, but this country sees us as Chinese first, even if we are citizens, we're treated as guests here.
Mr. Kwan: We survived this long by keeping our heads down and not attracting attention. Going public could make things worst. Make this man more angry. This time it was a soda but next time he could have a gun.

You're not funny. You're the joke. Dumb ching chong bitch!


All I'm saying is giving up something you love is too high a price to pay for the ignorance of others.


Gael: So, Isabella and I had a scare with the baby.
Davia: Oh, Gael!
Gael: Everything's fine, but I realized when I was terrified about losing her that I was also scared about losing Isabella.
Davia: What do you mean?
Gael: Like if there was no baby, there would be no us, and I realize I can't imagine my life without her now. Davia: So what does that mean? Are you saying your feelings for Isabella are deeper than friends?
Gael: I think so.

Mariana: Hey, has anyone noticed that Davia's lost a lot of weight?
Sumi: Yeah, actually.
Gael: It's been kind of gradual.

Isabella: I want to have faith, too, but--
Gael: Isabella. That's why you have me to lean on.
Isabella: I've never been able to lean on anyone. My parents were never there for me. They always left me with babysitters, and it was like they were so in love with each other, but there was never any room for me. No matter what I did or who I tried to be, I could never make them love me.
Gael: Your parents suck.
Isabella: Yeah.
Gael: You know I'm not just here for the baby. I'm here for you too.
Isabella: Ok, if you believe the baby will be alright, so will I.

I know you're not fine as a woman, as a proud Asian, and just as a human being. what happened to you was terrifying and humiliating. And though I don't agree, I understand the advice your parents gave you.


You better pray nothing happened to her!


My mom thinks that she's dead, and you know, I thought that my mom, she's being crazy, right? But man, I'm really worried that something horrible happened to her and that she's right.


Luca: Why are you guys doing this?
Davia: Um, I guess we know what it feels like to be alone. That's one of the reasons we all live here -- to be there for each other. A community.

Liza: Who's going to hire me?
Mariana: Look, I'm going back to Bulk Beauty, and I'm taking Ava and Raiza with me. Why don't you come with us?

Good Trouble Season 4 Quotes

Gael: I heard you made a choice.
Davia: I did.
Gael: And are you happy?
Davia: I am.

Malika: What are you doing here?
Isaac: I hate my life without you. I love you and I want to be with you, just us like it was before, I mean if the offer still stands.
Malika: I can't do this right now. I'm starting a new job in the morning and I need time to think.