Dennis: Jen was the only one who could truly understand how hard it was and what we went through when we lost Jacob, and now she's moved on.
Isabella: Just because she has a new baby doesn't mean she isn't still grieving Jacob.

Why do I always have to be the fat bitch? Why can't I explore other parts of me?


Clare: Well, don't forget what side you're really on.
Mariana: You're right.

Lucia: So now that you're not working at Duro anymore, do you see more of Angelica?
Malika: Oh, we try, but we're both really busy.
Lucia: You know that Angelica and I used to date, right?
Malika: Yeah.
Lucia: Do you know if she's still seeing anyone?

Kelly: So what's your preference? Waxed or unwaxed?
Joaquin: Um...
Kelly: Your floss?
Joaquin: Waxed.
Kelly: OK, I'll have to make an appointment, but that can be arranged.

Mariana: So, you don't mind doing business with a company that steals other people's ideas?
Evan: You don't mind either, I guess.

Isabella: Ever since that scare, I'm so scared the doctor's going to give me horrible news or something.
Dennis: Why don't I take you?

Mariana: Have you ever had to go undercover for a story?
Joaquin: Uh, what do you mean?
Mariana: I don't know. Like maybe taking a job somewhere or joining a group to expose wrongdoing.
Joquin: I'm a reporter, not a spy.

Dana: Let me give you some advice. The three most important words in politics are Quid pro quo. Find out what Will wants, get it for him, and then collect by getting what you want.
Malika: Thanks for the advice.
Dana: Another word of advice. There is no free advice. I'm a powerful ally, I'll be of help to you as long as you're of help to me.

What is the most outrageous, exuberant I am Davia Goddamn Moss thing you can imagine?


Malika: I think I've been taking it slow because I've never been with a woman before. I'm just not exactly sure what to do.
Angelica: All you have to do is whatever feels good and right for you.
Malika: I think I might need you to take the lead.
Angelica: I can do that.

You've changed things for me more than any other teacher I ever had.


Good Trouble Season 4 Quotes

Gael: I heard you made a choice.
Davia: I did.
Gael: And are you happy?
Davia: I am.

Malika: What are you doing here?
Isaac: I hate my life without you. I love you and I want to be with you, just us like it was before, I mean if the offer still stands.
Malika: I can't do this right now. I'm starting a new job in the morning and I need time to think.