Malika:I was unhoused for a while. I was living in my car. I used to park near the Coterie and Alice got to know me and started bringing me coffee in the mornings, and then she let me use the showers. Ultimately, she split her loft to give me a home. It was hard for me to accept help, but once I had a home, and I didn't have to spend my days just figuring out how to survive, I was able to get a job. I went back to school, I got my degree. I was just so damn lucky that Alice befriended me, saw me even.
Luca: That's not the story for most people out here.
Malika: No, it's not. Because I said yes to being helped, I mean, I'm thriving today. That can be your story too. You have a home at the Coterie. If you just say yes.

Malika: What is this?
Alice: Your new home, if you want it.
Malika: What did you do?
Alice: I Just had them put up some dry wall and make a new loft. Mine was too big anyway.
Malika: Thank you.

I realized my fear is most crippling when I don't face it.


Davia: Please, don't leave town.
Luca: I think I have to.
Davia: Why?

Isabella's Mom: Since it's too late for an abortion, we think you should give the baby up for adoption.
Isabella: I'm not giving up my baby.
Isabella's Mom: Raising a child is a lifetime commitment that you are completely unprepared for, especially alone.
Isabella: I'm not alone. Gael and I are coparenting.
Isabella's Father: You mean the starving artist you had a one-night stand with? How he's going to take care of you? What guarantee do you have that he'll actually stick around?
Isabella's Mom: What happens when he starts a family with someone he's actually in love with?

I've never been sexy in front of him before, I mean, even though we've had sex, once. I don't know. I've never stuck my butt in his face.


Dyonte: Maybe this isn't going to work.
Malka: Maybe you lean too heavily on the women in your life. Tanya supported you when you were an intern. I wrote your grant, and five minutes after you and Tanya broke up, you asked me to be your primary.
Dyonte: If that's how you feel.
Malika: How I feel is unsupported by you, especially when your solution to all of this is to break up. Dyonte: Maybe I do rely too much on women. Maybe I need to be alone for a while to figure my shit out. Malika: Yeah. Maybe that's what you need to do.

Davia: So what did you really think?
Dennis: I really think that was the most goddamn Davia Moss thing you could've done.

They are the idiots, okay? You don't need them. And I'm not going to leave you.


As far as depending on anyone, at some point, we all need to accept help. I promise you that you are safe here and you can trust that this is real.


Mrs: Kwan: We may be Chinese-Americans, but this country sees us as Chinese first, even if we are citizens, we're treated as guests here.
Mr. Kwan: We survived this long by keeping our heads down and not attracting attention. Going public could make things worst. Make this man more angry. This time it was a soda but next time he could have a gun.

Davia: I guess I wanted to feel empowered and sexy, too.
Luca: Well, you are sexy and so powerful and beautiful any way you are.

Good Trouble Season 4 Quotes

Gael: I heard you made a choice.
Davia: I did.
Gael: And are you happy?
Davia: I am.

Malika: What are you doing here?
Isaac: I hate my life without you. I love you and I want to be with you, just us like it was before, I mean if the offer still stands.
Malika: I can't do this right now. I'm starting a new job in the morning and I need time to think.