Bryan: You analyze my faces?
Gael: I love your faces. Angry face is top three.
Bryan: God, I hate you.

You seem like a nice guy, but I just don't feel right giving my number to someone who subconsciously or not wrote me off without a second thought.


Maybe next time open your mind to the whole person. You might make a real connection.


Eli's Girlfriend: Hey, hon, I really like Mariana. Can we keep her?
Eli: We can do whatever you want, babe.
Eli's Girlfriend: OK, what do you want Mariana?

I'm sorry, I know it's late. I got in a huge fight with Meera. She called off the wedding.


Maybe you don't want to be a lawyer, Callie. All you do is complain about your job. Maybe you can't cut it.


Sumi: Meera said that I'm selfish and thoughtless, and she doesn't want to marry me.
Alice: That's crazy, you're not -- she should love you for you.

Callie: Law school wasn't easy. I had to study a lot. The only reason I got through was because I was so focused and practically celibate. I'm just afraid that I won't do what I need to do if ...
Gael: You're seeing me.

Isaac: I'm gonna call you about that date.
Malika: What date? You lost the bet.
Isaac: That wasn't a bet. That was a gesture.

Jamie: Oh, uh Gael, just a friend? It's not my business, I just like to know who I'm up against.
Callie: Well, we are seeing other people if that's what you're asking.

Raj: I misread all of the signals last night.
Mariana: It's fine, Raj. All good. There's nothing to talk about.
Raj: Ok, well, I really am sorry.
Mariana: Actually, you know what? It's not fine, and it's not about misreading signals. It's about it being totally inappropriate to try to kiss one of your coworkers. Like, duh. Like, seriously. Did you really think that asking me to help you with your work, and telling me that I had such great ideas, and trying to kiss me wouldn't make you look like you're completely full of crap, and make me feel even more disrespected and vulnerable than I already do around here? So, sorry, but sorry doesn't cut it.

Evan: In social situations, I don't like to talk to people. I find the energy I give out doesn't have a compensatory return in most cases.
Mariana: Yeah, that's true of most people around here.
Evan: Me?
Mariana: No, no you're not boring.
Evan: Really? Thank you. You're not boring either.
Marina: Thank you.

Good Trouble Season 1 Quotes

I thought the free toilet paper would be a nice perk. I had no idea how much people would overwipe. You wouldn't believe it. I hope you guys are eco-friendly.


Mariana: We're so lit.
Callie: We're pretty lit.
Both: We're straight up fire!