Alex: Seriously, Mary Anna? You bitched to Angela?
Jesus: Hey!
Mariana. I didn't say a word.
Alex: Then how did she find out?
Raj: I told her. Mariana has great ideas, and she codes faster than all of us, even you, Alex. We need help on this project.
Alex: OK Raj, she can work with you, but maybe that was your plan all along, huh?

Jesus: That was a savage move, dude.
Raj: I should have done it sooner, and send me that spreadsheet.

Jesus: Excuse me, my buddy wants your phone number because he wants to know the best way to get ahold of me in the morning.
Rebecca: You said you had no game.

Davia: So Callie, what happened with you and Gael?
Callie: Why are you asking?
Davia: Well according to Bryan, they're exclusive now.
Callie: Oh, like married exclusive? Like your boyfriend? I gotta work.
Mariana: You had that coming.
Davia: I didn't think she had it in her.

Rebecca: How about we drink every time Ben says Supreme Court?
Callie: No thanks. I like my liver.

My first year at Speckulate, they called me double A. For affirmative action.


I've actually been meaning to reach out to you. I ran into Jennifer a couple of months back and I probably should have asked first but we've been seeing each other.


Tate: Maybe what I wanted was a father who was there -- who wasn't working all the time.
Wilson: I worked to provide for my family.
Tate: No, no, you worked for this. For a lifetime appointment to play God. It wasn't enough you judged every little thing I ever said or did. You needed a stage to impose your intellectual and moral authority on the world.

Mariana: It's great if you can ignore the racism, sexism, and general oppression.
Jesus: Just tell me whose ass I'm kicking first.
Marina: You're not kicking anyone's ass, although, I would love to watch.

Sumi: Meera said that I'm selfish and thoughtless, and she doesn't want to marry me.
Alice: That's crazy, you're not -- she should love you for you.

Callie: Law school wasn't easy. I had to study a lot. The only reason I got through was because I was so focused and practically celibate. I'm just afraid that I won't do what I need to do if ...
Gael: You're seeing me.

Maybe you don't want to be a lawyer, Callie. All you do is complain about your job. Maybe you can't cut it.


Good Trouble Season 1 Quotes

I thought the free toilet paper would be a nice perk. I had no idea how much people would overwipe. You wouldn't believe it. I hope you guys are eco-friendly.


Mariana: We're so lit.
Callie: We're pretty lit.
Both: We're straight up fire!