Mrs. Thompson: If I had a daughter I would want her to be just like you.
Malika: If I could have picked my mother, right back at you.

I don't think I want to brand myself as a queer artist. I mean, I don't label myself a Latino artist, and I don't want to use my face to get people to look at my art.


Sumi: What's going on?
Meera: Just arguing.
Suma: Yeah, I know, about what?

I won't be my own person until I have the courage to stop being who my family wants me to be. I never thought I'd say this, but thank you for challenging me in so many ways. But mostly to be an independent thinker, and to define myself on my own terms.


Mrs. Thompson: Thank you for being here.
Malika: I'm ready to show up for the people who show up for me.

You think Wilson can be bought?


Gael: Bryan cares about me and my feelings. He doesn't just sneak up here in the middle of the night to use me for sex and then hide it from everyone.
Callie: I'm sorry I made you feel that way, and I'm sure selling your sexuality on Instagram will help you feel better.
Gael: Like you have any idea what it's like navigating this world as a queer person of color, but then you only see the world according to Callie!

You have pretty loose lips for someone who has secrets of her own.


It's just interesting how the second you're done playing out your Latino lover fantasy, you have time for good old all-American Jamie.


Tate: Maybe what I wanted was a father who was there -- who wasn't working all the time.
Wilson: I worked to provide for my family.
Tate: No, no, you worked for this. For a lifetime appointment to play God. It wasn't enough you judged every little thing I ever said or did. You needed a stage to impose your intellectual and moral authority on the world.

Mariana: It's great if you can ignore the racism, sexism, and general oppression.
Jesus: Just tell me whose ass I'm kicking first.
Marina: You're not kicking anyone's ass, although, I would love to watch.

My first year at Speckulate, they called me double A. For affirmative action.


Good Trouble Season 1 Quotes

I thought the free toilet paper would be a nice perk. I had no idea how much people would overwipe. You wouldn't believe it. I hope you guys are eco-friendly.


Mariana: We're so lit.
Callie: We're pretty lit.
Both: We're straight up fire!