You're stuck being a single loser. You might as well embrace it.


Good God, it looks like two eggs wrapped in a handkerchief.

Stewie (as Carter bends over)

Lois: That was a delicious dinner, daddy.
Carter: You all laughed when I suggested Boston Market. Well, who's laughing now? I guess I am.

Nothing reminds you more of what you have than watching a grown man poo right through the split in his pants.


Lois: And Meg I hope you learned your lesson about drinking.
Meg: Yeah. I think I'd rather live my life as a loser than feel bad once in a while.
Lois: Well, I hope you know that you're our loser.
Meg: Thanks, mom.

Meg: Dad, what are we going to do?
Peter: You think it's too early to tie our shirts around our heads to show we're going insane?

Brian: Joe, Joe, it's Brian. Listen. I have to tell you something. I'm - I'm pretty sure Principal Shepard killed his wife.
Joe: That's a serious accusation. Do you have any proof?
Brian: I have something better than proof. Rank suspicion born out of boredom and loneliness.

My little girl's a drunk. Oh my God. Where did we go wrong?


Peter: So what do you do for fun around here? You got DirectTV?
Putin: We have Time-Warner.
Peter: You have HBO?
Putin: We have Starz.
Peter: You have ESPN?
Putin: We have FOX Sports 1.
Peter: That come in HD?
Putin: 420D.
Peter: You got --
Putin: Everything you say, I say something little bit worse.
Peter: You got Simpsons?
Putin: We have Family Guy.
Peter: Ah. I did it to myself.

Russia has all the hottest and ugliest women in the world. All 10's and 1's.


Peter: How do you say friend in Russian?
Putin: There is no Russian word for it.

Vladmir Putin: Where is bathroom? I George Brett myself on plane.
Peter: Eww. Gross.

Family Guy Quotes

Brian: You know, Connie, I think I have a theory about why you're such a bitch.
Connie: Excuse me?
Meg: Brian, let's just go.
Brian: No, no, no, no, no. Now hang on... hang on, Meg, hang on. You see, Connie, you're popular because you developed early and started putting out when you were 12. But now you can't stand to look at yourself in the mirror because all you see is a whore. So, you pick on Meg to avoid the inevitable realization that once your body's used up by age 19, you're going to be a worn-out, chalky-skinned burlap sack that even your step-dad won't want. How's that? Am I in the ballpark?
(Connie cries and runs)

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