Rita: Ever since you voted against me for team leader…
Larry: Oh my god, you’re still upset about that? Who the hell cares? It was just a stupid title.
Rita: Not to me, it wasn’t. You all think that this is just another one of Rita Farr’s tiresome ego trips but it had nothing to do with that. It was about us. It was about all of us. When Niles died, someone needed to hold this family together, so I did it and never asked for anything in return. But I have really been struggling lately. I have no one else in my life like you or Jane or Cliff. All I have is us. And it would’ve been nice if somebody had stepped up for me the way that I have stepped up for them. And, at the very least, come to dinner.

Rouge: I’m not saying we should do this. I’m not. But we could rewrite history and you could be, literally, Queen of the World.
Isabel: Oh my god. Love that. It’ll totally humanize me.

Vic: Last time, I lost myself. Mom was gone. I cut off Deric and the guys. And you and me, we couldn’t even catch a breath to stop fighting. Cyborg. He was a shell of a man.
Silas: For the record, we started fighting when I could not pull you away from that XBox. Not for sleep, church, school…
Vic: How dare you? It was a Playstation.

Cliff: We’re all about to drop dead, and you want us to go up against some all-powerful theater major who can control time?
Rouge: Oh yes, there is some risk involved.
Cliff: Oh, SOME risk. This chick could blink us into a reality where we’re tortured around the clock by flesh-eating Beanie Babies!

Vic: I miss the man I used to be.
Silas: You can’t hide it, son. You’re a hero. Just be one on your own terms.

All I ever wanted was for people to see me. Really see me. Even if they don’t like what they see, maybe just maybe they’d find a way to accept me anyway. Cause if they really saw me, they would see that I am a powerhouse virtuoso, a future double EGOT winner, my generation’s Ashley Tizzy. And I would be loved just like I deserve to be.


Cliff: Is that a fossilized little turd?
Rouge: No. This was a necklace worn by one Dr. Niles Caulder.
Cliff: Chief wore a little turd around his neck?
Rita: The clothes maketh the man.

Rouge: Sometimes, I actually really miss the Brotherhood of Evil. At least they accepted me for who I was.
Isabel: Brotherhood of… Evil?
Rouge: Yeah, we were a vicious – VICIOUS – little gang of masterminds, hellbent on, y’know, world domination, was fun. It was fun! But it didn’t really work out.

Cliff: [singing] I want to drive my stick.
Isabel: [singing] Come on, let’s go baby.
Cliff: [singing] Even to this holiday chick.
Isabel: [singing] Rev it up, now. Rev it up, now!
Cliff: [singing] Gotta shift gears, I’m in overdrive. / Immortus is coming and so am I!

[singing] Shit, shit, what is this? / What the fuck is going on? / Am I speaking in a song? / Oh no, something is very wrong.


[singing] Nothing is weird. Everything’s fine. We’re all okay on Immortimus Day.


I’m not sure this is what I want anymore. Immortimus is just another prison. It’s another lie. And I’m done lying to myself. I’m one hundred years old, for god’s sake, and I’m still hiding. I have never lived out in the real world. I can’t lock myself away anymore. I need to go.


Doom Patrol Quotes

Show's over, Chief. You're not my friend. You're just a scientist who did fucked up things to a broken girl.


With sunrise, another day begins. So let's be ready for today. No wicked words, no teeth, no claws. Only fun and laughs and play. Well, of course we can! But first, we have to say good morning to all our new friends, don't we? You haven't forgotten them, silly. You can't have! Oh, you're being ridiculous. Alright, alright.
