I’m not sulking. I’ve just reached a realization which I’m embracing wholeheartedly. Everything I touch turns to shit. Not literally. That would be disgusting. But, in some ways, it would be better than how I actually turn things to shit.


Rouge: Now that, that looks fucking terrifying is how it looks.
Rita: It looks like the door to a nightmare.
Rouge: It does. It does. And we are going to go through it like fucking morons. Like fucking MO-RONS.
Rita: Not morons. Like superheroes.

Rouge: Where are you going?
Rita: Upstairs. To quietly expire.

Jane: Open the lava lamp or I’ll fuck the Tin Man’s longevity into kingdom come!
Cliff: Tin Man? Really?
Jane: Shut it, R2 Dipshit.
Cliff: That’s my girl!

Rama: Listen. I don’t know what part of you needs to hear this. You have to know there is no shame in believing in miracles. I spent my life believing in them. I don’t plan on stopping now.
Larry: Belief in miracles got Wally and the others killed. I can’t wait around for miracles, Rama. I have to live in the real world.

Rita: Does GO AWAY mean something different in Scotland?
Rouge: Yes! It means stop being a silly old sausage and help me build an interdimensional portal to Orqwith.

Deric: Look, we’re all stuck in here now. Maybe instead of picking at each other, we try to be more solution-oriented. Y’know, find a way to get out of here. Who’s got ideas?
Jane: You telling us how to do superhero shit? You fuckin’ Boy Scout.
Cliff: Don’t fuck with our process.

Casey: I thought I needed a mission, something to give me purpose.
Jane: Purpose. Purpose is overrated.

I’m not evil. I’m famous.


If we’re all listing problems, remember that zombie Butt? The one I was supposed to kill? I ain’t kill it. Yet. But, I didn’t lose it.


Vic: What are you guys even doing here?
Jane: How about a THANKS for coming to help your captured asses?
Cliff: Technically, we only came to get Jane’s longevity back, but we probably woulda tried to help you if there was time.
Vic: Right, sorry. Thanks for the help. When did you plan on starting by the way? With the helping? Just want to make sure I don’t miss it.

It’s always best to have a second set of eyes when you’re attempting to rip a hole into space-time. That’s what I always say.


Doom Patrol Quotes

Show's over, Chief. You're not my friend. You're just a scientist who did fucked up things to a broken girl.


With sunrise, another day begins. So let's be ready for today. No wicked words, no teeth, no claws. Only fun and laughs and play. Well, of course we can! But first, we have to say good morning to all our new friends, don't we? You haven't forgotten them, silly. You can't have! Oh, you're being ridiculous. Alright, alright.
