1949 Rouge: Cute.
Future Rouge: Cute? How is your mind not fuckin’ blown? I’m you, you fuckin’ idiot.
1949 Rouge: I know a gifter when I see one. Or did you think I’d be so stunned by this bizarrely dressed version of myself that you’d get the drop on me. I invented that play.
Future Rouse: I know. Because I invented that play because I am you.

Rouge: Who the hell is talking?
Vic: It’s Grid, my operating system. Usually, I’m the only one who can hear it, but Keeg must’ve hacked into it.
Rouge: You have a voice in your head that talks to you?
Cliff: Fuck it. That’s not even the strangest thing about him.

Tell me, barkeep, have you ever had your heart shat upon by a horse?


Kay: You’ve always known. Just say it.
Jane: It happened to all of us. It happened to me. I was raped by my father. The moment we were created, we could feel the memory.

Isabel: I’m workshopping it this afternoon at the Cloverton Playhouse and then we, me, I open tonight!
Rouge: Wow, that’s um…
Isabel: Fast? I know, but I’m being realistic. Probably won’t make it to Broadway till, like, next week.

I’ve done a lot of soul-searching in the past eight hours after you and your friends completely destroyed my holiday utopia, and I realized it wasn’t super cool to force all of humanity to love me. I’m not Disney.


Rama: Once I see Tamil Nadu, I’m gonna rent a boat, sail deep out into the Bay of Bengal, go for one last swim, then while I still have control over my abilities, turn myself into a block of lead. And that’ll be that.
Larry: And you call me dark?

Vic? It’s three AM. You okay? Why did you want to meet here? This wouldn’t have anything to do with me singing and dancing in an Immortimus onesie, would it?


Silas: You kept doing the hero thing. RIsking your life anyway, just without the tech. Why?
Vic: I don’t know.
Silas: Victor, a man always knows why he moves the way he does. You can lie to me all you want. You start lying to yourself? That’s when you’re in trouble.

Cliff: Is that a fossilized little turd?
Rouge: No. This was a necklace worn by one Dr. Niles Caulder.
Cliff: Chief wore a little turd around his neck?
Rita: The clothes maketh the man.

Last one. I always get my Butt.

Ernest Franklin

Cliff: We’re all about to drop dead, and you want us to go up against some all-powerful theater major who can control time?
Rouge: Oh yes, there is some risk involved.
Cliff: Oh, SOME risk. This chick could blink us into a reality where we’re tortured around the clock by flesh-eating Beanie Babies!

Doom Patrol Quotes

Show's over, Chief. You're not my friend. You're just a scientist who did fucked up things to a broken girl.


With sunrise, another day begins. So let's be ready for today. No wicked words, no teeth, no claws. Only fun and laughs and play. Well, of course we can! But first, we have to say good morning to all our new friends, don't we? You haven't forgotten them, silly. You can't have! Oh, you're being ridiculous. Alright, alright.
