Let's just get this over with so we can get back to civilization.

Serena [to Folsom]

Serena: Cantwell is semi-famous in nerdy circles.
Allie: Hey! I've heard of him.
Serena: Yeah.

So we got a new dead body and an ancient skull.

Max [to Folsom]

Jack: Why do we have to park way back there? Do you know how far I have to carry this thing? Really far. Really, really far.
Serena: Really?

Allie: I happen to love pickleball. It's not as fun as badminton but it's easier to find a game in this country.
Chris: I thought it was more like ping pong.
Allie: Chris, can you at least pretend to be useful? Track the killer's footsteps.

Beau: It's either an embarrassment of riches or a complete waste of time.
Folsom: Well, when I'm here, Beau, we choose to be optimists.

Heather: It was so long ago. Do you think it's too late to find out what really happened?
Catherine: To find the truth? No. It's never too late.

Max: Sounds like a good time to get back up on the horse.
Beau: Lovely invitation, boss. But I told you I'm a lab rat. We don't ride horses.

Max: She died in the middle of a Keratin treatment.
Beau: I use Pert Plus. You're going to have to translate for me.

Beau: Nope. Tap me out. Dock my pay. I don't care.
Max: Come on. Big boy pants.

Catherine: Well, I want to talk with [Mimi].
Max: I kind of thought you might.

Maxine: Catherine. You look rested.
Catherine: It must have been that morning I took off.

CSI: Vegas Quotes

Deputy: The detectives are asking if there's any more guns in the house.
Brass: Guns? Sure. There's a bunch. But LVPD is good at their jobs. They'll find them.

Maxine: The homeowner is Jim Brass.
Allie: Is this going to be like the time I didn't know who Drew Carey was.