Tumame: Maxine Roby, meet our little Jane Doe.
Maxine: We have your face. Now all we need is your name.

Greg: Well, I have been lumberjacking since I left CSI.
Beau: Really?
Greg: No. I've been writing a book. But I do own several flannel shirts.

Mrs. Williams, if you walk out on me, you walk out on Phoebe.

Max [to Raquel]

Raquel: What exactly do you need from me?
Max: A second chance to make this right.

Don't tell me how I feel. You don't know how I feel. You haven't lived with the loss of your baby for 41 years.

Raquel [to Maxine]

If it doesn't end bad, sometimes it just doesn't end, Max.

Daniel [to Max]

Catherine: You put him up to this.
Hester: Actually, I didn't. Ron's playing his own game now. Whatever he does next will be a surprise to us all.

Folsom: You think this is a good idea: to sit down with Ted? He's the one who put you in the crosshairs.
Max: Well, now he's mine.

Allie: How'd it go?
Sonya: Well, [Jack] is wearing the same clothes as yesterday.
Max: She was talking about the autopsy.

Save it for your manifesto, buddy!

Serena [to Winter]

Catherine: Winters did say anyone, anywhere.
Max: Yeah, but he didn't tell us who's next.

Byron: You know we have a fully stocked mini-fridge in our hotel room.
Maxine: I am not paying $10 for bottled water, not even after the apocalypse. Your mom's a civil servant, not a high roller.

CSI: Vegas Quotes

Deputy: The detectives are asking if there's any more guns in the house.
Brass: Guns? Sure. There's a bunch. But LVPD is good at their jobs. They'll find them.

Maxine: The homeowner is Jim Brass.
Allie: Is this going to be like the time I didn't know who Drew Carey was.