Dr. Roby, you would tell me if it were unwise to put $20 on Mr. Folsom for shift supervisor, wouldn't you?

Milton [to Maxine]

Serena: And you didn't think to shut down the automation when you found a dead body in your plant?
Mark: That's the point of automation. You don't have to think about it.

Looks like our weekend weathercaster has storms on the horizon.

Beau [to Maxine]

Oh, good. I was hoping to borrow two dozen 9-volt batteries.

Catherine [to Maxine]

Tawny: Working on my tan, huh? Go to hell, Ned.
Ned: I'm sure I'll see you there.

Hey, Gene. This isn't the fond-memory room. It's the interrogation room.

Serena [to Gene]

Chris: Gene needs to be studied in a lab. Just not ours.
Folsom: He is committed to his aesthetic.

Dr. Franklin: Busy day?
Max: Yup. The circus never stops.

Beau: Jeesh! Who decorates with fake cobwebs? This place is straight out of Edgar Allen Poe.
Allie: This woman is related to Gene.

Allie: I used to autopsy my sister's teddy bears when we were younger.
Chris: Any chance you and Gene are distant cousins?

Allie: Well, I think it's sweet that you still try.
Folsom: What's the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result?

You tried to pull off a mashup of "The Hangover" and "Weekend at Bernie's." And that was your big mistake, Mr. Farrow. You stepped outside your genre.

Serena [to Gene]

CSI: Vegas Quotes

Deputy: The detectives are asking if there's any more guns in the house.
Brass: Guns? Sure. There's a bunch. But LVPD is good at their jobs. They'll find them.

Maxine: The homeowner is Jim Brass.
Allie: Is this going to be like the time I didn't know who Drew Carey was.