Take a bird bath in the ladies room. Overtime is like gold around here.


Did you arrest the leader of a small African republic?


Platt: Listen, you know what Moses had before he parted the Red Sea?
Ruzek: What?
Platt: Permission from his supervisor. See, that way everyone's ass was covered.

Platt: Hot water, huh?
Ruzek: Yeah, to be honest I don't totally get it. Of all the things we've done in Intelligence, all the things we get away with, the Ivory Tower wants to break my balls over this?

Burgess: Hey do you need a ride to Med tomorrow?
Roman: I was gonna ask my neighbor.
Burgess: And not your partner? I should hit you upside the head right now. I'm taking you.
Roman: Aw you care.

Are you a ventriloquist or was that you answering a question that I asked him?


Hey Roman, I want you to know I'm really proud of what you're doing. So you take as long as you need and keep your vacation. That's what being a servant to this city is all about.


Lindsay: We're celebrating.
Halstead: What are we celebrating?
Lindsay: Hank is letting me move back into my apartment. He trusts me.
Halstead: Wow, that's huge.
Lindsay: Yeah, I think he just wants his bathroom back, but whatever.
Halstead: Well you can do some serious damage in a bathroom.

I mean sure, Adam is really into the engagement, but that's a good thing right? So what if he's been engaged twice before, I'd rather have somebody excited about wanting to marry me than moping around like Debby Downer, you know?


Roman: You mean you're the third?
Burgess: Yeah, just found out.
Roman: Just think of it like the Olympics, a bronze medal is nothing to sneeze at.

Roman: Should we do a knock and talk?
Platt: On a house that could be filled with explosives, that's a great idea, go do that.

Dr. Charles: We don't get to choose our parents.
Lindsay: Sometimes we do.

Chicago PD Season 3 Quotes

Roman: What the hell is that?
Platt: My wedding planner from when I was engaged.
Roman: To what?
Platt: Tiger Beat go get some coffee. This is girl talk.

I don't know who you are, but tell Lindsay she made me a better cop, if you ever see her again.
