Dawson: This crew's terrorizing their way across the country.
Voight: Yeah well, Chicago's their last stop.

Burgess: I see cozy, he sees small. I want like, light and airy, and he wants man cave. I thought apartment hunting with your fiance was supposed to be fun.
Roman: Said nobody ever.

Platt: I'm gonna paint you a picture here, Denny. You lie to an officer, that's impeding an investigation, you make a false statement on the record, that's obstruction of a justice, you keep a gun, that's withholding evidence in a murder.
Denny: You brought your mom?

The thing about psychopaths, they love to hear themselves talk.

Dr. Charles

You know who doesn't shred files? Innocent people.


Platt: You're on your own today.
Burgess: What?
Platt: No partner, no assignment, I want you out there patrolling wherever you want, and if that happens to be in a neighbrohood where a gun went missing, well I don't know anything about that.

Erin, I'm not always gonna explain what I do, and you're not always gonna like me for that. Just, never forget I love you.


Attorney: Where's my client?
Halstead: Which one? You've had a busy day maybe we should assign you a parking space.

Lindsay: It wouldn't be the first time The Outfit sent somebody up the river for something that they didn't do.
Voight: Careful what you're implying.
Lindsay: I'm not implying anything. Whoever gave you Coslo, you're getting played.

Lindsay: A public defender could get him off on what we have now.
Voight: Guess we're lucky he came clean.
Lindsay: Did he come clean or did his mobbed up lawyer get him to take one for the team?

Platt: Hey Burgess.
Burgess: Sargeant?
Platt: I bet you twenty bucks I get hitched before you do.
Burgess: Okay, we'll see.

Ruzek: So, Victoria saw something she wasn't supposed to and Outfit killed her for it.
Halstead: Given the way the body was drilled full of holes so it would sink, that's a strong possibility.

Chicago PD Season 3 Quotes

Roman: What the hell is that?
Platt: My wedding planner from when I was engaged.
Roman: To what?
Platt: Tiger Beat go get some coffee. This is girl talk.

I don't know who you are, but tell Lindsay she made me a better cop, if you ever see her again.
