I feel like we just made out, like I should make you a mix tape.


Lindsay: Look at her, like nothing happened.
Halstead: What, were you expecting crocodile tears? She thinks no one's watching.
Lindsay: A fully committed murderer would stay in character, that's all I'm saying.
Halstead: I'm gonna sleep with one eye open.

Ruzek: We'll get Olinsky on his feet and we'll find our own place. That's a good idea.
Burgess: Hey, it's not an idea, it's a demand. A loving but very specific demand.

Mouch: I need your help with Trudy. I gotta figure out what her ring size is.
Burgess: Mouch, you're gonna propose?
Mouch: Been living in sin long enough.
Burgess: Oh, I require zero additional detail. Look I'm on it.
Mouch: You're on it. And you can be sneaky?
Burgess: I displayed sociopathic tendencies through the second grade. I'm on it.

Michelle: You're not Mennonites, you should be living together.
Burgess: OK no offense, but I don't need relationship advice from a sixteen year old.

Halstead: Do me a favor, and don't leave me alone with the swim coach.
Lindsay: Hey, I got you.

I can't just toss her to the wolves. Michelle needs a father, she deserves it.


Kirby: It's initiation, it happens to everybody. But Ethan went nuts, he came after me with a fire extinguisher. I swear, he was trying to kill me.
Atwater: By extinguishing you?

Crowley: You're just gonna let this kid walk?
Voight: Well I can't arrest him for something he might do. I can't even hold him, he's a minor.
Crowley: Since when did Hank Voight become such a stickler for the rules?
Voight: Oh, so now you're taking the leash off?

Sarge, let me do this. I used to be this kid.


Crowley: Those pills, you know they're for my back pain.
Platt: Right, and all the wine I drink is for my front desk syndrome.

Operations are like women, can never remember all the names.


Chicago PD Season 3 Quotes

Roman: What the hell is that?
Platt: My wedding planner from when I was engaged.
Roman: To what?
Platt: Tiger Beat go get some coffee. This is girl talk.

I don't know who you are, but tell Lindsay she made me a better cop, if you ever see her again.
