Liliana: I can't eat. My stomach is tied in knots.
Charles: What's wrong?
Liliana: My friend says we may be out of work soon.

Doris, Room 7, there's a hypochondriac with a hangnail.


You know me, Hannah. You know my history. Please. I can't do this without you.


2.0 is to surgery what GPS is to travel.


Archer: How did you get here? I was worried about you.
Sean: I have to move my truck.
Archer: Sean?
Hannah: If he hadn't come along when he did, I don't know if we'd have made it. Did you know that he spent a year driving a snowplow in Alaska?
Archer: No, I didn't.
Hannah: You got a good kid.

Archer: Clint's lab work came back full of amphetamines, benzos, and opioids in his system. He has a pharmacy in his bloodstream. What's really going on?
Sean: Okay, Clint relapsed. He called me for a ride when he got into trouble.
Archer: Are you using again?
Sean: No! This is why I didn't want to tell you what was really going on. When are you going to start trusting me?
Archer: When you stop making bad decisions.

Grace: I ran an algorithmic simulation and this patient's odds of survival are only 7%.
Will: So what do you suggest we do?
Grace: Nothing. I say we send her to ICU and keep her comfortable. During a storm like this, we have to prioritize patients who have the best chances of survival.
Will: That little boy lost both his parents in a car accident. His aunt is all he has left.
Grace: I feel you. But that isn't actually relevant.

Charles: Are you taking your lithium regularly?
Felix: Pretty much.
Charles: Pretty much? And what about the change of the seasons? The shorter days, greater darkness?
Felix: It's never easy.
Maggie: How you feeling, Felix?
Felix: Those toes are coming along, slowly but surely, as they say. Slowly but surely.

We were getting dizzy. She was just trying to let in some fresh air.


Maggie: Will, you're going to Baghdad. Take Dr. Grace Song with you.
Will: I'll see what I can do. [To Grace[ So Dayton has you working down here with us grunts, huh?

Marcel: 2.0 is a tool, just like any other.
Archer: Except I don't need a scalpel to tell me my heart rate is elevated. I know it is elevated and I adjust accordingly.
Marcel: I know 2.0 takes a little getting used to -
Archer: That's the difference between you and me. You've abdicated your judgment to a machine.

Wyatt: It's over. My campaign. Everything I've worked toward for years. Gone.
Charles: You know, I'm not so sure that's the case. That kind of thinking, by the way, we call it catastrophizing cause you know, anxiety will do that.
Wyatt: This is a catastrophe. Did you miss my meltdown out there?

Chicago Med Quotes

Ellis: What are you not telling him?
Maggie: What?
Ellis: Halstead. What are you not telling him? Come on. I'm in an iron lung. I have the right to be nosey.

A girl has to almost die for this hospital to realize that it's actually here to treat patients?
