George: Sharon, how are you doing?
Sharon: All right. I'm glad my part is over and I'll feel better tomorrow after the filming is done.

Archer: Spare me the speech. I've placed a lot of PT catheters so I know all about it.
Doctor: You sure? Cause it's a pretty good speech.

It is not weakness to let people be kind. It's strength.


Cuevas: She said that if her parents go bankrupt trying to deal with her medical needs, it will ruin everything they've worked for.
Will: She's risking her life.
Cuevas: No. She is sacrificing it. And it's awful, but I get it.

Archer: Holy cow, look at this place. You people are living in 2050.
Grace: Please don't break anything.

Sharon: How's he doing?
Charles: Well, you know, he's pinned to an MRI machine.

Hugo's tests were normal too and then he died.


Tanaka-Reed: Appendix removal. Pretty basic.
Marcel: I'm sorry Sam isn't sick enough for you.

Quentin: You know, I don't remember if I turned off the oven.
Layla: We haven't cooked in days.
Quentin: I think I'll just go home and check.

Will: What are they saying?
Cuevas: They say she has 'the sickness' and if we don't fix it, she will die.

Sharon: We have bedbugs in the ED. A patient developed a rash from a bug bite and so did a nurse. This strike needs to end now.
George: I hear you. Jack won't give in unless the unions agree to more concessions. He says we can't afford what they want.
Sharon: And what about liability lawsuits? Can we afford that?

Maggie: Why did you call DCFS?
Marcel: This child should never have been near that machine.
Maggie: You don't understand how it is on a farm. Kids work all the time. It's part of the culture.
Marcel: Yeah, well that culture is going to lose this child her foot.

Chicago Med Quotes

Ellis: What are you not telling him?
Maggie: What?
Ellis: Halstead. What are you not telling him? Come on. I'm in an iron lung. I have the right to be nosey.

A girl has to almost die for this hospital to realize that it's actually here to treat patients?
