Sophia: I've trained for this my whole life. I'm not going to throw it all away because I fainted once.
Will: Sophia, if you have another arrhythmia, you might not have the chance to make it to the Olympics.
Sharon: Dr. Halstead.
Will: You could die.
Sharon: A word outside, Dr. Halstead.
[Outside the room]
Will: She's taking medical advice from a swim coach.
Sharon: I don't like it any more than you do, but it's time to step back.

Lieu: Look, back in Colorado, hikers always went missing. We had helicopters, ambulances, a whole search and rescue team. I don't think the local sheriff has those resources.
Archer: Yeah, well, you're not a helicopter.

I swear, I wouldn't wish Chron's disease on my worst enemy.


Halstead: A brand new coffee machine?
Archer: Courtesy of our new pal Jack Dayton.
Halstead: I hope this courtesy extends to patient care.
Archer: Don't hold your breath.
Asher: Dean refuses to be swayed by Jack Dayton's toys and sweets.
Archer: Haven't you ever heard of Hansel and Gretel?
Halstead: You think Dayton wants to eat us?

Man, I'm seeing these 2.0 ads everywhere. Almost makes me wish I needed surgery.


Marcel: Now I have to tell you, this is an experimental surgery. This is the first time the platform has been used on a patient. So if it doesn't go well -- which it probably won't -- Richard could be robbed of whatever time he has left.
Will: That is true. You'd be taking a big risk.
Richard: And if I don't, what do I have to look forward to? Getting weaker and weaker? Pain? Debilitation until I'm confined to a bed with a morphine drip?

Marcel: Inoperable pancreatic cancer. INOPERABLE.
Will: Not with the OR 2.0.

Will: Richard, you've been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer?
Richard: Yeah. My surgeons and the tumor board ruled it inoperable.
Will: The tumor is inside the pancreas and has invaded the duodenum and surrounding tissues.
Richard: There's no way to get it all.
Richard's wife: They're just going to let him die.

Ben: You never told me you were in an accident.
Maggie: I wasn't hurt.
Ben: That isn't the point. You never told me you were in an accident.
Maggie: I didn't want you to be upset.
Ben: Upset? Who's the guy in surgery? Grant?
Maggie: He was just showing me his car.
Ben: Showing you his car. I go out of town and he's showing you his car.
Maggie: I know how it looks but -
Ben: Are you having an affair?
Maggie: No. I would never -
Ben: How am I supposed to believe that?

Marcel: Who are all those people?
Jack: Some doctors, some techs, some media.
Marcel: Why are they here?
Jack: I invited them.
Marcel: Why?
Jack: For the launch of 2.0
Marcel: Send them away. This surgery is hard enough without a bunch of lookie-loos.
Jack: I can't do that, Marcel.
Marcel: There's a real human being on that table that I'm operating on.
Jack: I know. Imagine the media when he lives.
Marcel: What if he dies?
Jack: I'm not worried about that.
Marcel: You should be.
Jack: I know this tech inside and out. I spent years of my life building it.
Marcel: You know tech, but you don't know surgery.

Choi: April and I have always talked about bringing health care to underserved communities.
Sharon: Mmm hmm.
Choi: And as you know, so many of these folks use our ED as their primary care and we'd like to get to them before they do that. And one way we thought was to have a mobile clinic.
Sharon: That's a great idea.
Choi: Yeah. I got a small inheritance from my dad and April saved up some money, so we got a mobile eye clinic that we're fitting for general care.
Sharon: Oh. And this is something you can do part-time?
Choi: No. Full-time.
Sharon: Dr. Choi, are you giving me notice?

Cuevas: You can tell her until you're blue in the face that the system will protect her just like anyone else, but Gloria's probably seen enough evidence that that's not true that she doesn't trust it.
Asher: I'm not asking her to do this just for other people. I'm doing it for Gloria, so that she won't have to carry the burden of this trauma. I'm not insensitive, but I've seen this before. My college roommate Annie was raped at a party and she didn't report it. I think she told herself that it didn't matter, and she convinced herself it didn't, that SHE didn't matter. She carried the burden for as long as she could and then she took her own life.

Chicago Med Quotes

Ellis: What are you not telling him?
Maggie: What?
Ellis: Halstead. What are you not telling him? Come on. I'm in an iron lung. I have the right to be nosey.

A girl has to almost die for this hospital to realize that it's actually here to treat patients?
