Casey: That’s on me. I made sure you didn’t pick up on it.
Severide: Why? You can tell me anything. You better know that by now.
Casey: Yeah, I do. I grew up in a family full of secrets. I guess it’s become a fallback for me, shutting people out when things get too rough. I’m working on it.
Severide: Good. You shouldn’t be going through something like this alone.
Casey: Actually, Sylvie found out, and she’s been by my side every step of the way. She’ll be at MRI tomorrow.
Severide: I’m glad to hear it.

Cruz: Boden put a note on that truck.
Gallo: Like Capp said. Did he blast them?
Cruz: No, it was completely Boden. Very polite, very chill.
Ritter: We should get to shift early and mark chief’s spot.
Gallo: Who’s we?
Ritter: Us.
Cruz: Who are you?
Ritter: I’m the planner.

Herrmann: Nice, you ever think of applying with the CFD.
Mason: No.
Herrmann: You can tell me to mind my own business, and I’ll hit the road, but I have been doing this long enough to recognize raw talent. What happened? You got hurt? Whatever it was, you’re still young enough. You can always apply with the CFD.
Mason: No, I can’t.
Herrmann: Why not?
Mason: Because I was a firefighter in prison. The CFD won’t hire felons.

Casey: I’d have to quit the CFD, obviously.
Brett: Hey, Matt, slow down. He said it was possible, not that it was certain, right?
Casey: Right.
Brett: So we don’t know anything yet. We’ll get the MRI and go from there. It’s going to be OK. No matter what we’ll figure it out.

Casey: Thank you for pushing me the other day. You’re right. I was too quick to move on when the headaches stopped. I can’t help thinking that when I got that head injury a few years ago the doctor said if I get another bad hit, it could mean the end of my career, or worse.
Brett: OK, hold on. There’s no need for you to get there yet. All you need to do right now is make an appointment and get checked out. The sooner, the better.
Casey: Yeah.
Brett: I’ll go with you.
Casey: No, no you don’t have to do that.
Brett: I know things have been weird between us lately, but you were always there for me when I needed it most. Please let me do that for you.
Casey: That would be great. OK, I’ll make the appointment for Friday after shift.
Brett: Friday, um…
Casey: If you have plans, I can handle it solo.
Brett: No, I can reschedule it. I’m going with you, Matt.

I wish my dad had my back the way you have Jacob’s. You want the best for him. I can respect that. He deserves it. He’s a good kid, but he’s not a firefighter, and if you come at this like a chief and not a father, you’ll see that. You wouldn’t send your men into a burning building with someone you knew wasn’t up to snuff. And you were right to blame me for what happened at the Academy, but the mistake I made was giving Jacob too many chances. I should have cut him sooner. I’m sorry it didn’t work out, but he’ll be OK. He’ll land on his feet wherever he ends up because he has a father who supports him.


Boden: Why didn’t you come to me right away?
Severide: Because it’s not your problem.
Boden: Another battalion chief comes into my firehouse to jam up one of my officers just for doing their job, that is absolutely my problem. And I will take care of it. I promise you that.
Severide: I don’t want you to lose an old friend over this.
Boden: Old friend like hell. He crossed the line. He’s going to pay for it.
Severide: It’s my mess. I’ll clean it up.

Eric: I heard you had a date with Andrew.
Ritter: I had no idea it was him. Believe me.
Eric: Oh I know. He told me what happened, and how you went to bat for me.
Ritter: He’s something.
Eric: I just wanted to come by and say thanks for doing that.
Ritter: Oh, you’re welcome. Of course.
Eric: And that I miss you.
Ritter: Yeah?
Eric: Yeah.
Ritter: Well, maybe we should do something about that.

Brett: I’d feel the same way if anything happened to you.
Casey: How do you mean?
Brett: I backed off the other day too quickly when you said you were fine. A head injury can be serious. We both know that. You can’t just sit around, waiting and hoping that nothing goes wrong. You need to do something, Matt.
Casey: I’ll think about it. I promise.

Severide: It’s lucky he didn’t kill anyone.
Boden: I should have trusted your instincts.
Severide: No, this one is on me. I was trying to avoid a tough decision.

Brett: What do you think Ruzek?
Ruzek: Well, you have an anonymous letter that makes a vague accusation that may or may not posit that your victim was shoved down a flight of stairs by the muffin man next door, and even your victim doesn’t think that’s what happened. I got that, right?

Brett: I saw Will today at Med, and he mentioned when you asked him about the headaches you said it was for a friend.
Casey: Yeah, I didn’t want to make a big deal of it. Plus, since we’re friendly, he might feel obligated to bring me in for an exam.
Brett: Yeah, that’s his personality. He likes to help. And he said it was important to see a doctor with symptoms like that.
Casey: Right, but then the symptoms went away. I’m fine, Sylvie, but thanks for checking in.

Chicago Fire Season 9 Quotes

Boden: I just got word from headquarters. Squad 3 has been designated guinea pigs to test out new equipment.
Severide: And?
Boden: They want you to give up your next couple of Saturdays, test out the equipment in front of white shirts at the academy.
Severide: It’s such a waste of a weekend. When was the last time CFD bought any new technology, chief?
Boden: Mine is not to question the infinite wisdom of headquarters. Mine is to cross one more item off this ‘to do’ list, which stretches over five pages long. So?
Severide: Uh…
Boden: Thank you.

Kidd: I want to grab these pencil pushers by their throats and make them actually push their pencils. I mean, why is this taking so long?
Severide: Girls on Fire?
Kidd: Girls on ice is more like it. I mean, look, I talked to the community relations guy. I told him everything will be done outside, all the girls will be masked up. No one is going to get within 6 feet of each other. You know, they’re worried about liability. I’m worried about these girls losing a year of their lives … I’m going to break through on this, if it’s the last thing I do.
Severide: Do you know how proud I am of you?
Kidd: Tell me again.