Cruz: What are we doing in here?
Violet: Brett told me where to find them.
Cruz: Find what?
Violet: Not what. Who. Oh, what name did you pick out for your son?
Cruz: Why?
Violet: So we can… you know.
Cruz: No.
Violet: Fine, you pick out baby no name, and I’ll take what’s left.

Boden: Did the school bell ring?
Donna: Yes, it did. Can I tell you, I have never had a more attentive class than the ones today. Thanks to my secret weapons over here.
Gallo: It was fun. We were really happy to do it.
Ritter: Yeah, I wish I had a teacher like you growing up, no doubt. You were awesome to watch.
Donna: Thank you, you guys.

Casey: I just wanted to talk to you, man to man. Brett and I were never really an item. She asked for space, and I backed off. Plain and simple. I know you’re a great guy, and I see the way you’re into her. And I want you to know, I’m not going to try to get in the way of that. I want her to be happy. That’s all I want.
Grainger: You don’t get it, do you? I’m not thinking about what you’re going to do or not do. Honestly, I don’t care. What I think about is Sylvie. From everything I’ve witnessed over the last few months, she’s in love you.

Hey, look at that. You’re getting really good, Cruz. Now, go and have five kids and come back and see me when you’re ready.

Herrmann [to Cruz]

Cruz: I’m taking a parenting class, ‘Baby basics for beginners.’ Just the dads and partners. There’s this one woman named Bailey. Anyway…
Violet: That sounds awesome.
Cruz: Really?
Violet: Yeah, your wife is going to be half a zombie, and you’re going to be ready to rock as a father on day one. I think it’s great.
Cruz: I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I’m getting my ass handed to me by this suck up named Huxley. Calls himself the king swaddler. Big showoff. I want to murder him.
Violet: How’s your swaddling?
Cruz: Needs work to be honest.

Grainger: You warned me this could happen. I can't get upset about that. You left out that the friend you’re helping is Casey.
Brett: Oh, I… it’s really just a privacy thing. He hasn’t told a lot of people. I feel terrible about ruining another plan. Can we reschedule? Anytime.
Grainger: I don’t think that’s such a good idea.
Brett: Why not?
Grainger: Because I think you have some stuff you need to figure out, Sylvie.

Kidd: Commissioner, respectfully, you and I both had to fight to get our foot in the CFD’s door. And we continue to fight our way up the ladder to prove that we belong. This young man isn't perfect. He stole a car when he was 17. But he served his time, and he put his life on the line fighting wildfires for 80 cents an hour and some time knocked off his sentence. We met him on a call where he helped save the life of a woman when he could have run out the door. He has CFD material written all over him, and he can't even apply. We just want give him a fair shot.
Hill: I appreciate your passion, truly, I do, but the CFD is an elite group of men and women. We’re exclusionary on purpose. Some people can't be firefighters no matter how bad they want it.

Brett: I’m coming with you to hear the results.
Casey: Sylvie…
Brett: No, I know firefighting is your whole life, and you’re scared as hell, but so am I. We can be scared together.
Casey: You have your own life to deal with. I was being selfish.
Brett: Matt Casey, don’t argue with me. You just call me when you hear or else.

Gallo: Actually we don’t need Mike Thompson.
Mouch: You don’t?
Ritter: We found someone better.
Mouch: Better than ‘The Bullet’?
Ritter: Yeah.
Mouch: What does this mean?
Gallo: It means you Mouch.
Mouch: Me?
Ritter: Yeah, I want our group to get a little taste of everything I’ve learned from you. From the things you said to me when I was locked up on that stairwell to the skills I learned watching you on every call.
Gallo: And how you kicked epic ass on that party storefront.
Ritter: You’re the guy we want to hear from.

Casey: I was thinking it’d be better if I get the results alone.
Brett: Oh OK. Why?
Casey: I’ve been making too big a deal out of this. Honestly, no matter what the results are, I’ll be fine. You tagging along on every visit, it’s silly.

Capp: I have never seen him like this.
Gallo: I know. Cruz got him really worked up.
Cruz: Uh, what’s your note say, chief?
Boden: I tried the polite way. Now I’m gonna use some colorful language. Let this thief know in no uncertain terms he cannot park here again.
Cruz: Are you sure?
Boden: Notify me if he shows himself.
Capp: That genie is not going back in the bottle.

Casey: No wonder Boden was willing to jump into action. This paperwork is mind-numbing.
Brett: You’ll be back out there soon.
Casey: Maybe. The doctor says 24 to 48 hours before they call me with the results. We should assume 72, right?
Brett: Whenever it is, you let me know ASAP. That’s the deal. OK, so how terrible was the playlist. You can be honest.
Casey: It was great. It was definitely a distraction. It was horrible.

Chicago Fire Season 9 Quotes

Boden: I just got word from headquarters. Squad 3 has been designated guinea pigs to test out new equipment.
Severide: And?
Boden: They want you to give up your next couple of Saturdays, test out the equipment in front of white shirts at the academy.
Severide: It’s such a waste of a weekend. When was the last time CFD bought any new technology, chief?
Boden: Mine is not to question the infinite wisdom of headquarters. Mine is to cross one more item off this ‘to do’ list, which stretches over five pages long. So?
Severide: Uh…
Boden: Thank you.

Kidd: I want to grab these pencil pushers by their throats and make them actually push their pencils. I mean, why is this taking so long?
Severide: Girls on Fire?
Kidd: Girls on ice is more like it. I mean, look, I talked to the community relations guy. I told him everything will be done outside, all the girls will be masked up. No one is going to get within 6 feet of each other. You know, they’re worried about liability. I’m worried about these girls losing a year of their lives … I’m going to break through on this, if it’s the last thing I do.
Severide: Do you know how proud I am of you?
Kidd: Tell me again.