Kidd: I just got to keep busy. Working the bar’s good for that. Um, you know I’m gonna need some major distraction when I get home, right?
Severide: I think I can provide.
Kidd: You are so selfless.

Gallo: Oh my god, that was the most stress we’ve had on this job, and I’m including the gas station call from a few months ago.
Ritter: Mouch had a running commentary on every sale I made, most of which was abject disappointment.
Gallo: Well, I’m glad to turn it over to him for a couple of hours.
Ritter: Yeah.

Severide: Are you ever going to tell her?
Casey: Tell her what?
Severide: You know what.
Casey: It’s not that simple. She’s the one that called things off, said Dawson was always going to be between us.
Severide: Think she’s right?

Brett: Maybe you need a distraction from all this baby shower planning.
Cruz: Ooh, anything.
Brett: Well, my apartment is getting fumigated in a couple of days, and they’re putting me up in a hotel, which is amazing, but they don’t allow pets. Veronicat’s been getting better. She really has.
Cruz: You know I would, definitely, but Chloe is super allergic to cats.
Brett: Oh, so is Stella. I never realized how many people had bad cat allergies.
Kidd: It is very, very common.

Capp: Fifteen bucks?
Gallo: That’s a fair price.
Capp: It’s off by orders of magnitude.
Ritter: OK, well, what’s a fair price then, Capp?
Capp: Twenty-five dollars.

Severide: To be honest, it’s not the test that’s on my mind. It’s what comes next. I wanted to let her focus on making lieutenant so I’ve been holding off, but I want to talk to her about getting married.
Casey: You’re gonna propose?
Severide: Not exactly. She always used to say she’d never get married again, so I just want to put it out there as an idea. See where she’s at.
Casey: Huh?
Severide: What’s that mean?
Casey: No, nothing. I’m real happy for you. It’s exciting news.
Severide: Yeah, thanks.

Severide: The guy wanted me to leave him in the fire and go get his wife.
Casey: Seriously?
Severide: Yeah, he practically kicked me away.
Casey: Wow, that’s devotion.

Aaliyah: You saved my life.
Kidd: You saved your own life is what you did. Yours and your brother’s. Do you have any idea how strong that makes you?
Aaliyah: Do you think I can come back to Girls on Fire.
Kidd: You come back anytime, anytime.

Cruz: I’m taking a parenting class, ‘Baby basics for beginners.’ Just the dads and partners. There’s this one woman named Bailey. Anyway…
Violet: That sounds awesome.
Cruz: Really?
Violet: Yeah, your wife is going to be half a zombie, and you’re going to be ready to rock as a father on day one. I think it’s great.
Cruz: I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I’m getting my ass handed to me by this suck up named Huxley. Calls himself the king swaddler. Big showoff. I want to murder him.
Violet: How’s your swaddling?
Cruz: Needs work to be honest.

Cruz: What are we doing in here?
Violet: Brett told me where to find them.
Cruz: Find what?
Violet: Not what. Who. Oh, what name did you pick out for your son?
Cruz: Why?
Violet: So we can… you know.
Cruz: No.
Violet: Fine, you pick out baby no name, and I’ll take what’s left.

Hey, look at that. You’re getting really good, Cruz. Now, go and have five kids and come back and see me when you’re ready.

Herrmann [to Cruz]

Aaliyah: I should have stayed in your class.
Kidd: No.
Aaliyah: I didn’t think I was good enough.
Kidd: There isn't a girl in that class who isn't good enough, all right. That’s what I was trying to tell you when you first came.
Aaliyah: I should have listened. No one ever told me that before. Maybe, I couldn’t hear it from you.
Kidd: Well, that’s on me, OK. Not on you because I had never done that before, taught a bunch of girls. I didn’t have anyone in my life like that, not at that age. No one to tell me what my worth was, so, um, I didn’t know how to do it.
Aaliyah: No, no, you were strong. I think about how strong you were all the time.

Chicago Fire Season 9 Quotes

Boden: I just got word from headquarters. Squad 3 has been designated guinea pigs to test out new equipment.
Severide: And?
Boden: They want you to give up your next couple of Saturdays, test out the equipment in front of white shirts at the academy.
Severide: It’s such a waste of a weekend. When was the last time CFD bought any new technology, chief?
Boden: Mine is not to question the infinite wisdom of headquarters. Mine is to cross one more item off this ‘to do’ list, which stretches over five pages long. So?
Severide: Uh…
Boden: Thank you.

Kidd: I want to grab these pencil pushers by their throats and make them actually push their pencils. I mean, why is this taking so long?
Severide: Girls on Fire?
Kidd: Girls on ice is more like it. I mean, look, I talked to the community relations guy. I told him everything will be done outside, all the girls will be masked up. No one is going to get within 6 feet of each other. You know, they’re worried about liability. I’m worried about these girls losing a year of their lives … I’m going to break through on this, if it’s the last thing I do.
Severide: Do you know how proud I am of you?
Kidd: Tell me again.