Jenny: What the...? What are you two doing here?
Tonya: Same thing as everybody else. Vacation. Outdoor vibes. Now ruined.
Jenny: Really?
Tonya: I know, right? I mean, it's just our luck. All we wanted to do was shut off for a couple of days, and now this. A murder. God, it's awful. I'll be writing a review.
Donno: Zero point zero stars.

Jenny: So, why are you and Tonya really here?
Donno: Like we said, vacation.
Jenny: Does that include killing Mary and Luke?
Donno: You got me. Not.

Luke: Paige.
Paige: Hey, baby. Miss me?

Buck: You need to tell me the truth. Did Walter kill Paige? Did he?
Sunny: I don't know, honestly. He might of.

Jenny: So, we think the bleeding heart killer's back?
Cassie: Maybe he never left.

Jenny: Okay, so he starts carving hearts again after all these years. Maybe this is his hunting ground.
Beau: Maybe I should pull Emily out of that camp.

Tony: I'll tell you what. You two kill Luke. And then we'll go have a look-see for Paige.
Tonya: Killing Luke was never part of the agreement.
Tony: It is now.
Tex: Take the money. Take the ride.
Possum: Tex dropping wisdom.
Tony: You know, businesses burn down so easy these days. Sometimes with the owners inside.

Avery: Where's Luke?
Sunny: That's a good question. Buck?
Buck: I don't know, but somebody better find him.

Paige: You look terrified.
Luke: Listen, there are some bad people on this trip. If you want my advice, get the hell out of here. I know I am.

Maybe someone else took Paige. Someone you didn't see coming.


Beau: So, really, you're never gonna date a cop again?
Jenny: Why? Would it break your heart?
Beau: Oh, you wish.

Sunny: Tell me. You and Cassie got something, something going on?
Cormac: No.
Sunny: You need to work on your poker face.

Big Sky Season 3 Quotes

Well, it's our job to get them in the Big Sky state of mind.


Beau: Denise, you keep cooking for me like this, Imma need a whole new wardrobe. And I don't even know where to shop in this town.
Denise: That's okay, I'll take you. Make sure everything fits right, especially in the back.
Beau: Okay. Okay. You're gonna make me blush.