Poppernak: Something tells me this one ain't gonna be easy.
Jenny: Weddings never are.

Tonya: Just to be clear, Donno and I, we are not people you mess with.
Sunny: Likewise.

Jenny: Where is Paige?
Walter: She's dead. I killed her.

Beau: Okay, well, listen, your mom's going to be here any second, and she's expecting me to feed you, so you're gonna need to lie.
Emily: It's fine. I had some of that cereal in there. That expired a year ago.
Beau: Perfect. Told you those expiration dates are a scam.
Emily: No, it was stale.
Beau: Oh, you'll live.

People always think the worst of me.

Walter [to Cassie]

You have a beautiful voice.

Paige [to Sunny]

Sunny: What if I told you that I think Paige is still alive?
Tonya: I'd say you have my attention.

Buck: Sunny, been over this.
Sunny: I don't care. He's my boy, and I want to see him.
Buck: Well, you'd be giving us up. And you made a promise.
Sunny: I'm his mother. He needs me. And you don't get to tell me what to do!

Jenny: How'd it go with our mystery man?
Cassie: It's not a mystery anymore. His name's Walter.

Avery: I see what you're doing. And I'm done. And I want a lawyer.
Beau: Well, we both know a good one, don't we?

Jenny: What Avery said about the fifteen million changes things.
Beau: Okay, well, I wouldn't trust Avery, alright? He's full of crap.

Jenny: So, why are you and Tonya really here?
Donno: Like we said, vacation.
Jenny: Does that include killing Mary and Luke?
Donno: You got me. Not.

Big Sky Season 3 Quotes

Well, it's our job to get them in the Big Sky state of mind.


Beau: Denise, you keep cooking for me like this, Imma need a whole new wardrobe. And I don't even know where to shop in this town.
Denise: That's okay, I'll take you. Make sure everything fits right, especially in the back.
Beau: Okay. Okay. You're gonna make me blush.