Jenny: What are you thinking?
Cassie: We have to go back to Sunny. She's got to know something.

Beau: You think he's capable of all this?
Sunny: I don't know what to think anymore. Except I do think it's time for me to call my lawyer.

Beau: Avery! Who’s your friend?
Winston: His friend is none of your concern.
Beau: Well, actually, it is, seeing as I’m the sheriff and all.
Winston: Ah, I never shot a sheriff before.
Beau: Well, we’re not gonna do that, gunslinger.

You gotta try, Jenny. Only one of us is getting out of here alive.


Gigi: What else is there to say? Sometimes you really disappoint me, Jenny bear.
Jenny: Right back atcha. And I love you, too.

Sunny: Your dad started drinking again. And I think he might have done a bad thing.
Cormac: I’m sure you’ll figure out a way to fix it. I mean, anything can be buried under enough lies, right, Mom?

Mom never needed you to be perfect, you know? She just wanted you to let her in more.

Emily [to Beau]

You know, he was a cancer in our family. And I couldn’t make her see what a danger he was, so what was I supposed to do, Cassie?

Buck [to Cassie]

Jenny: We get anything else?
Cassie: What? You’re not supposed to be here.
Beau: What’d you bust out of the hospital?
Poppernak: And did you hurt anyone doing it?

Poppernak: Something tells me this one ain't gonna be easy.
Jenny: Weddings never are.

Tonya: Just to be clear, Donno and I, we are not people you mess with.
Sunny: Likewise.

Beau: Well, according to this, there was another kid in that house. A little girl named Meredith. She was never found.
Jenny: Did you kill her, too?
Walter: I was protecting her from them. They hurt her worse than me.
Jenny: Where is she now?
Walter: I set her free.

Big Sky Season 3 Quotes

Well, it's our job to get them in the Big Sky state of mind.


Beau: Denise, you keep cooking for me like this, Imma need a whole new wardrobe. And I don't even know where to shop in this town.
Denise: That's okay, I'll take you. Make sure everything fits right, especially in the back.
Beau: Okay. Okay. You're gonna make me blush.