Gary: When I first met you, you were dying, and I think maybe I was dying too. I just didn't know it. But I was broken. And you were right. Instead of dealing with that, I tried to save you the way I couldn't save Jon. And I know now that I put way too much pressure on our relationship, and I screwed it up. And I just didn't want today to go by without saying it.
Maggie: Thank you. But it's not all on you, Gary. Cancer wasn't the only problem I brought to our relationship. I was broken too.

Eddie, there you are! 


Is that the voicemail again? Eddie, you have to stop torturing yourself like this. 


To be honest, I never thought I would feel like part of the group again after Jon was gone. He was the one who always made me feel like I belonged. Not anymore. You really are like family to me, so thank you.


Katherine: I was thinking. What if we renew our vows? Eddie Saville, will you marry me again? 
Eddie: You have no idea how badly I want to do that again. 

Gary: There you are. I wasn't sure if you'd be up for this.
Darcy: I'll be honest, I was surprised you reached out, but I'm glad you did.
Gary: So am I.
Darcy: What happened to Becky?
Gary: I realized she was just another rebound.
Darcy: So what does that make me?
Gary: A fresh start.

You came into my life at just the right moment. Seriously, I don't know what I would do without you.


Gary: I need to fix my life. I don't know how I'm going to fix my life.
Delilah: So what prompted this existential crisis?
Gary: Your husband. He's haunting my dreams now.
Delilah: Oh. I wish I had dreams about him. I never do anymore. It's almost like he doesn't want to talk to me.

Hey Lindsay, it's me. Look, I need to talk. I had a dream about Alex, and I need to know what happened the day she died.


You never stopped trying to teach me. You never give up. And I realize now no matter how bad you feel. No matter how hopeless it seems. It's never too late to start over. I am not supposed to tell you this, but Maggie is going to Oxford. She leaves in a week.


You know what I think? I think you're scared to look too closely at your son because you might see yourself there.


You can't let one mistake define a person.


A Million Little Things Season 2 Quotes

Eddie: What is it?
Katherine: You don't know? Delilah is in labor.
Eddie: Tell me what you want me to do. I will do whatever you want me to do!
Katherine: I don't know what I want you to do. I know what you need to do! You need to get to that hospital and be there for that baby the way that you weren't there for Theo.
Eddie: Katie.
Katherine: Don't. Just go.
Eddie: I'm sorry

Katherine: What's going on? What is it?
Eddie: I want to come home. There's nothing I want more. But I promised you no more lies, so there's something I need to tell you. It's not Jon's baby. And I didn't day anything to you because she and I agree that it needs to he Jon's, and I couldn't lie to you. I couldn't ask you to take me back and lie to you.