Maggie: I hate egg salad.
Gary: Okay 

Maggie: I spent so much time now trying to figure out what my life is without cancer, and I thought I had to do that on my own, but what I realized is I don't want my life without you. I know that you're with someone, and she seems great, but we're us, and the other night at D's, I felt that maybe we still could be. You were going to come with me to Oxford before, I would love it if you would still that. So j just had to tell you how I feel. I just had to tell you that I love you.
Gary: Do you have any idea how many times I wanted you to say that to me? Like at Elena's remission party, or the first time you went to a screening without me, or the wine. Maggie, I sent the wine because you should never have to sit at a table and wait for your future to show up, and the other night, every night I go to bed, I wonder why you aren't lying next to me, and then I wake up in the morning to you not being there, but you know what? This morning, for the first time since we broke up, I opened my eyes, and I didn't think about you. So of course, of course ,you do this now, right?

Gina: Rome, what is going on?
Rome: Eve wants to talk to us, babe. She changed her mind.

I'm so sorry. You two have been nothing but kind but that's just it. Everything that you've done and all that support from the shelter, I realized for the first time I can do this on my own.


Reverend: How dare you come back here after everything you've done?
Eddie: After everything I've done?

Maggie: I packed my entire life in these boxes so that no one else had to. I just never thought I'd be the one to unpack them.
Gary: Well, you are.
Maggie: I love you, Gary Mendez

I don't know what to say, but I know I kinda want to hold you.


Darcy: About earlier, it happens sometimes.
Gary: Because of the, uhhh ...
 Darcy: Yeah.I can go months at a time, and it will just happen. It's not a part of me I want people to see.

Lindsay: You got a great family.
Eddie: Yeah, I do.
Lindsay: What's that supposed to mean?
Eddie: It means we were doing great. Katherine, me, the kids, we were in a good place, finally, and then you showed up.
Lindsay: You asked me to come back into town for your vow renewal.
Eddie: But you're the one who brought this up. I haven't thought about Alex and the lake in years. You can't just dump your conscience on me without thinking about how it affects my family.
Lindsay: Yeah, you haven't had to think about it in years, but guess what? It's all I've thought about! You know what? Fine. Let's turn around. We don't need to do this. Let's go.
Eddie: No, lies lead to drinking, and we need to know the truth.

I can't be in your lives anymore. Not after the baby is born. I love you guys. I just can't.


Gary: Maggie and I dated.
Darcy: Oh.
Gary: Actually, we lived together.
Darcy: Oh.
Gary: And if I'm being completely truthful, she kind of broke my heart, and I want to be completely honest with you because I really like you, and earlier you were so honest with me.
Darcy: I kinda want to hold you right now.

Mom knew we were going to be parents even before we did.
