It was really nice to meet you, Aunt Lindsay. Please don't wait another ten years to visit.


Katherine: Well, you have to stop working with her. I just quit my job. I'll call Dale. I'll apologize.
Eddie: No. From now on, we are going to work in the garage or the recording studio. Theo won't be there, and she'll never step foot in this house. We are going to get through the album. We are going to get the money. We'll get Dakota help. And we'll find you the job you deserve.

Maggie: Oh my god!
Delilah: What?
Maggie: I have the same haircut as Ellen.

Katherine: Hey Carter.
Carter: Hey girl.
Katherine: Carter, it's Katherine. Did you mean to call me?
Carter: Yeah, I was trying out something new. It didn't work.

Did you ask me here to meet Cheryl today because you think I'm amazing, or because I'm a woman? 


Eddie: We haven't been to that lake house in 20 years. Why are you bringing it up now?
Lindsay: I don't know. I guess I was being nostalgic. 

Gina: Wow, Eve. It seems like you've given it a lot of thought.
Eve: Yeah, Wendy. I really have.

Katherine: Eddie, a great thing just happened. I have waited eight years to tell them off, and I finally did. Suck it, Dale! Suck it, Ted. Suck it, Phil. Initially and collectively, you can all suck it! I quit. I quit my job!!
Carter: Oh, she didn't just quit. She went out in a blaze of glory!

Eddie: You used to go to all my gigs.
Lindsay: Because I believe in you... still do.

Rome: Do you hear what they're doing?
Gina: They're laughing.
Rome: No, he is sucking her back in.

Katherine: So if it's not because I'm a woman, then what was it? Because Cheryl and I would really like to know.
Dale: It's because a client was uncomfortable.
Katherine: Martin Polk was uncomfortable? Martin loves me.
Dale: Yes, but he was uncomfortable with Carter.

Carter: Hey, lady. About what you did today. No one's ever stood up for me before.
Katherine: You had my back for eight years. 
Carter: Well, it'll be nine in April, but point taken. 

A Million Little Things Season 2 Quotes

Eddie: What is it?
Katherine: You don't know? Delilah is in labor.
Eddie: Tell me what you want me to do. I will do whatever you want me to do!
Katherine: I don't know what I want you to do. I know what you need to do! You need to get to that hospital and be there for that baby the way that you weren't there for Theo.
Eddie: Katie.
Katherine: Don't. Just go.
Eddie: I'm sorry

Katherine: What's going on? What is it?
Eddie: I want to come home. There's nothing I want more. But I promised you no more lies, so there's something I need to tell you. It's not Jon's baby. And I didn't day anything to you because she and I agree that it needs to he Jon's, and I couldn't lie to you. I couldn't ask you to take me back and lie to you.