I'm not running away from what I did because you wanna pretend I never did it.

Chase: Why are you trying to screw things up?
House: You got the tense wrong. Things are already screwed up.

(to House) Whether you want to be in charge or not, you are, and you always will be.

Dr. Chase

Dr. Cameron: I just don't see why you have to deny it.
Dr. Chase: I'm not.
Dr. Cameron: Now you're denying you're denying.
Dr. Chase: No, I'm denying that there's anything to deny.

Foreman: You two are both competent and I know we can work together.
Chase: You really know how to woo.

So, you're saying... you want a prenup. In liquid form.

Dr. Chase (to Cameron)

Dr. Chase: Office romances are a bad idea. We beat some very long odds.
Dr. Cameron: Wow, why don't you save the gushy stuff for the wedding.

Dr. Chase: I was 15 years old when you walked out. Now you're walking back in?
Rowan: I left your mother. I didn't leave you.
Dr. Chase: (near tears) Mum was living on gin and tonics, how was I supposed to take care of her?
Rowan: She wasn't your responsibility.
Dr. Chase: I know! She was yours.

Dr. Chase: It doesn't necessarily have to be that bad. If we exclude the night terrors it could be something systemic: his liver, kidneys, something outside the brain.
House: Yes, feel free to exclude any symptom if it makes your job easier.

House Quotes

Our entire relationship is about you. My dying is about me!


[To Foreman} That'd be redundant. I've got an angry black guy waiting for me to drop the soap right here.
