Dr. Chase: Cake? Taub thought we should have a little party to see you off properly. He gets sentimental about these things.
Thirteen: I never should have flashed him.

Dr. Chase: Oh, drinks are on me and Foreman tonight.
House: Can't. Pap smear.

House: Sorry, I'm busy. Tell me you have a case. You know, even if you don't.
Dr. Chase: We have a case.
House: Sounds interesting. I'll take it. I owe you one. Now tell me you don't have a case.
Dr. Chase: I really do have a case.
House: We're even.

What about sex? I'm talking about the patient. Is that cool?

Taub: Fighting's not brave. It's just stupid.
Dr. Chase: You would say that.
Taub: You think I've never been in a fight?
Dr. Chase: No, I just think you never won one.
Taub: I took on three guys in college once.
House: Hope they bought you dinner first.

I liked him better when he was on Vicodin.

Chase: Did you ever love me?!?
Cameron: I don't know.
Chase: Thank you for finally telling me.

Chase: I'm not that good looking.
House: Yeah, you are.
Wilson: You kind of are.

Chase: I give her a day, two days at the most.
House: Great! You be the clock. Everyone else be the doctor.

Chase: How long are we gonna keep lying to him?
Thirteen: Until it's no longer fun.

House: So you busted my nose to keep people off your back.
Dr. Chase: Pretty much.
House: Making people even more worried about you.
Dr. Chase: Maybe. But at least they're not talking to me about it.
House: Fair enough.
Dr. Chase: Cheers.

I'm gonna pretend there's something interesting over here, so you'll shut up.

House Quotes

Our entire relationship is about you. My dying is about me!


[To Foreman} That'd be redundant. I've got an angry black guy waiting for me to drop the soap right here.
