Park: Why would you lie about that?
Chase: To avoid conversations like this.

Foreman: House thinks I'm a robot. You think I'm a wuss?
Chase: No, no, no, no. I think you're repressed.

Chase: What's with the sudden interest in her future?
House: You know, a blacksmith who spends as much time hammering out a new blade from raw Jello, he's curious about who ends up wielding it.
Foreman: no reason to be curious unless you're interested in wielding it yourself.

I think when you do change, it's not so simple to go back.

And one day I will be that sick and there will be no one there when it's time.


You know when you're interested in something and no one else is, the polite thing is to keep it to yourself.

Dr. Chase: Why is it anyone's problem? I violently executed my tenth-grade geometry teacher about five different ways in my mind.
Masters: I didn't want to kill anybody. I just wanted to torture them slowly in my basement, preferably with acid. You guys ever think about what you might do to House?
Taub: Maybe it's no big deal.
Dr. Chase: Unless it is. Someone shot House.

Dr. Chase: Do you want me to quote from First Corinthians? 'Cause I can do that.
Dr. Cuddy: As a Jew, I'm gonna have to decline that offer.
Dr. Chase: Don't know what you're missing. St. Paul was really on his game.

Taub: I was mugged once. When I saw the gun, my legs went out.
Dr. Chase: I always thought it was fight or flight. Didn't know it was fight or flight or faint.

Dr. Chase: Sorry I took off on you.
Dr. Foreman: Twice?
Dr. Chase: First one was my bad. Second one, I had no choice. It was a threesome.
Taub: They're overrated.
Foreman and Chase: (together) He's bluffing.

Dr. Foreman: House was wrong trying to come up with a complicated reason you hired Kelly.
Dr. Chase: Thank you.
Dr. Foreman: It's actually quite simple. You think she's hot. You want to sleep with her.
Dr. Chase: Well, it was nice to see you finally taking an interest in my life. We should go bowling sometime.

House: What's your position on legality of illegal break-ins?
Dr. Chase: That's more of a second-week type activity.

House Quotes

Our entire relationship is about you. My dying is about me!


[To Foreman} That'd be redundant. I've got an angry black guy waiting for me to drop the soap right here.
