Olivia: I wasn't aware we were on speaking terms, Dad, let alone ahving dinner.
Rowan: We are family, Olivia. Families fight. That's what they do. That doesn't mean you stop calling. That doesn't mean you stop showing up for dinner. When we fight, we forgive and forget.

My father is not a God. He is a man.

Olivia: My father doesn't give me orders.
Tom: You think you, oh, you think you have a father? I am so sorry but you don't have a father. You have Command. You were raised by Command. Command doesn't have a family. Command has soliders. You take orders like any other soldier. You've been taking orders from Command since the day you were born.

Abby: I cannot cry in the White House.
Olivia: You can cry if you want to.
Abby: Press secretaries can't cry! It's, like, a rule!

Fitz: Can we think about finding a way to spend time together now that there's...hope?
Olivia: Well, it depends.

You may be command dad, but I have weapons at my disposable, weapons you can't possibly posses.

Olivia: I know him. I know about him the way I know about you.
Fitz: No, you don't know him the way you know me.

Huck: I pinged all of Jake's IP interfaces for the last two days which landed me in a geo-location data stream. Then I ran that through my QR-9 knock off and from there it was easy. He might of been wearing a cowbell.
Olivia: There's not a single word in that sentence I understood except cowbell.

Your daughter is dead. Your wife is rotting in jail for a crime she did not commit. Enjoy your fruit.

Olivia: What if I'm supposed to be saving him right now instead of sitting here drinking wine with you?
Rowan: Olivia, what could possibly have happened to a man like Jake?

Rowan: There's something about Jake that reminds me of myself at his age. I must admit that I wasn't the best at respecting the schedule of others, especially when the others were...lady friends.
Olivia: Okay, done.
Rowan: Sometimes you have to let a young lion roam free...
Olivia: So done!

  • Permalink: So done!
  • Added:

Olivia: Do we talk about this stuff? Let's not talk about this stuff. Even if we were normal...
Rowan: We're normal.
Olivia: In what context are we normal?
Rowan: We're not normal...
Olivia: Even if we were, normal people don't talk about...normal fathers and daughters don't...

Scandal Quotes

[to Abby] You are not a gladiator anymore.


Mellie, I know the situation is difficult, I do. And I'm so, so sorry. But we have a job to do here, and in order for me to do my part effectively, I'm going to need you to refrain from referring to me as a whore. At least in front of my face. Alright?
