Olivia: What do you want?
Ian: What do I want?
Olivia: It's the first question I ask my clients. Typically I know the answer but I need them to arrive at it themselves.
Ian: And if I were one of your clients, what do you think I'd say?
Olivia: You'd say you want power, but I think that's a lie.
Ian: And why would that be?
Olivia: Because you're sitting on one of the most valuable assets in the world and not using it.

Olivia: It's not going to work. Using me as bait. He won't do it. Go to war. The President doesn't negotiate with terrorists.
Ian: Honestly, I don't care. I get paid either way. But for argument's sake, let's wager. One dollar. I bet you that he will go to war for you. One dollar says he does it. Because President or not he's just a man. A sad, terrified man who's lost his Olivia doll and wants her back. Call me a romantic, but I bet one dollar that he loves you, and that's what makes the world go round. Emotion, sex, jealousy, insecurities.

Olivia: Ian I know everything looks really bad right now and you don't know me, but I'm gonna tell you something and I need you to believe me. I'm gonna save us. Ok? Ok. Say it.
Ian: You're going to save us.
Olivia: Yes I'm going to save.
Ian: How?
Olivia: I'm Olivia Pope.

I only negotiate with people who have the power to say yes or no. You don’t have that. You're not in charge. No one in this ambulance is in charge. The guy back at the apartment who had his hand on my mouth, he is in charge. He never said a word, but you all looked at him every time you spoke. You were checking for approval. He was in charge. He says yes or no. So me begging and bargaining here with you is a waste of my breath and you can't kill me unless he says you can. So no I don't have a death wish because he’s not here to be afraid of.

Jake: Man, do I love you.
Olivia: I want Vermont with Fitz.
Jake: Oh, okay.
Olivia: I also want the sun with you.
Jake: So...
Olivia: I'm not choosing. I'm not choosing Jake. I'm not choosing Fitz. I'm choosing me. I'm choosing Olivia. And right now, Olivia is dancing. Now, you can dance with me or you can get off my dance floor. I'm fine dancing alone.

Olivia: You're not leaving. You were never leaving. You can never leave me alone because you have no place to go. The only life you have is the sad, twisted one you built here. The one where you lurk int he shadows, pull puppet strings, and pretend the world couldn't exist without your protection. You can't disappear, become a normal person, because Dad, you are not normal. You are a sick, lonely man who only knows how to lie and call it love.
Rowan: Could you be more ungrateful? You're my flesh. There would be no Olivia Pope if not for me.

Jake: Say the word. I will stop trying to find your father. We can pack up and leave all of this behind. We can close Pandora's box and go back to the sun.
Olivia: The sun went down a long time ago, and it's not coming back up.

Elizabeth: There's a special place in Hell for women who don't support other women.
Olivia: There's a special place in Hell for women who spout that tired quote to justify their bad behavior.

Rowan: I haven't been a perfect father, Olivia. I know that. I want you to know that I know that.
Olivia: You don't need to say this...
Rowan: I do. I want you to know that I've always wanted the best for you. I've wanted you to be the best because to me you always were. I didn't have a role model for how to be a dad and I stumbled. I know that. I got angry when I shouldn't have and I focused too much on how you did rather than how you were doing it. I didn't say enough how important it was to me when you were trying, when you were struggling. Because it was. Because I should've understood because that's what I was doing. Trying. And struggling. I tried.

Cyrus: Ironic, isn't it?
Olivia: What?
Cyrus: It's always the ones closest to us, the ones who say they care. They're the ones who do the most damage.

[to Fitz and Jake] Shut up! We don't have time for this. You said we can't just wave a shiny object and expect him to come running. You're wrong. I'm the shiny object and my father WILL come running.

Jake: You could let me rot in here. Be easy. Solve all your problems. I mean, I did tell him that you loved me too, but I was just messing with his head. All you have to do is just turn your head and then you and that Fitz guy can just dance off into the sun.
Olivia: Don't ever talk about me and the sun and another man again. Don't ever do that. Okay?

Scandal Quotes

[to Abby] You are not a gladiator anymore.


Mellie, I know the situation is difficult, I do. And I'm so, so sorry. But we have a job to do here, and in order for me to do my part effectively, I'm going to need you to refrain from referring to me as a whore. At least in front of my face. Alright?
