It sounds like a shotgun wedding.
Olivia. It is and you're the pregnant bride.


Olivia: It's all in the rear view for me. I need to move forward. I am moving forward.
Cyrus: Moving forward...towards what?

It's okay to be afraid. Sometimes fear keeps us safe. Sometimes it holds us back.

[to David] You talk about fairness and justice like it's available to everybody. It's not!

There is a dead child lying in the street in front of their homes. What would you do if there was a dead child, a child you knew, in front of your home? The fact that they stand in groups and say things you do not like does not make them a mob. It makes them Americans.

Marcus: Help us get justice.
Olivia: You don't want justice. You want anger. You want outrage. You want retribution.
Marcus: You're right. I do. So should you.

Olivia: I have been riding and dying for you. I fixed an election for you. Sacrificed everything to keep you in office, we all did. Cyrus, James, Jerry, Harrison, Mellie. Every one of us. I was your mistress because you needed me.
Fitz: And I was willing to give it all up for you.
Olivia: Which is exactly the problem.
Fitz: I tried to give up my wife for you, my office! And you backed out every time.
Olivia: Of course I did. If you gave up the Presidency, what did I do all this for? Everything we did, I did, all of it, if you gave up the Presidency it would be a waste. Everything I've sacrificed to get you here, to keep you here, so you could be the best, so you could make history, so you could be the President you were meant to be. And you were. You were the President you were meant to be and then, when the true test came along, when I was taken because of you, you go to war? You sent thousands of innocent soldiers into harms way, some of them to their deaths, for one person.
Fitz: I had to save you.
Olivia: You didn't save me. I'm on my own.

Olivia: You went to war.
Fitz: I had no choice.
Olivia: You did.
Fitz: I had no choice.
Olivia: I wanted to Vermont. Someone I used to know danced on this very spot just the other day and said I want Vermont.
Fitz: Liv--
Olivia: Let go of me.

The two of you don't belong here, not with Gus, not trapped in this place with him. You don't deserve what's going to happen to you. What are you, 24, 25? You've got your entire lives ahead of you, the whole world ahead of you, and with your skills, those minds, the potential you havem the chance you have. You did not lie in bed at night dreaming of being kidnappers, human traffickers, terrorists. You didn't dream of life in a Supermax prison, or on the run, or doing whatever the hell Gus tells you to do which is actually the worst option. You dreamed of power, of being successful, of running companies, of building something great. You should be getting wined and dined by venture capitalists, not working with some gun-wielding lunatic. Which one of you do you think he'll shoot first so he only has to split the money two ways instead of three?

Be careful. I'm in shock. Put anything that close to my mouth I might bite it off.

Ian: How much do you think you'll go for? $500 million?
Olivia: $500 million? I'm a little insulted.

Ian: You're saying I should sell you?
Olivia: I'm saying we should sell me. I know the market, how it operates, who the players are, how to pull their strings. This is my wheelhouse. If anyone can pull their strings, it's me.
Ian: So I get rich and you get, what?
Olivia: I get to not spend the next three years counting down the days until the President leaves office and you put a bullet in my head. You get rich and I get to take my chances on the open market. Plus, you'd have to make me look presentable to get top dollar and I could really use a shower and a change of clothes. Think about it, Ian, it's win-win. But then again, the question isn't what I want. It's what you want. Do you want to be a babysitter or do you want to be a boss? It's up to you.

Scandal Quotes

[to Abby] You are not a gladiator anymore.


Mellie, I know the situation is difficult, I do. And I'm so, so sorry. But we have a job to do here, and in order for me to do my part effectively, I'm going to need you to refrain from referring to me as a whore. At least in front of my face. Alright?
