I'm comfortable with morally gray.

Mr. Bennet

Thompson: [Pointing a gun to Parkman's head] What am I thinking now, Parkman?
Mr. Bennet: [Pointing a gun at Thompson's head] Your last thought!

Mr. Bennet: [to Claire] Just do what I say so nobody gets hurt.
[to Matt]
Mr. Bennet: And you.
Matt Parkman: Yeah ?
Mr. Bennet: Do what I think.

[to Thompson] People are fragile. Like tea cups. All around them the world is changing but they simply don't want to deal with it. They don't want to know what is happening to us as a species.

Mr. Bennet

Mr. Bennet: [Bennet is about to kill Claude for betraying the company] You used to believe in this company's mission!
Claude: I used to believe in the Tooth Fairy!

Mr. Bennet: That's enough, Gabriel.
Sylar: My name is SYLAR!

Mr. Bennet: You're lucky you're alive.
Claire Bennet: It's not luck, dad.
Claire Bennet: Dad, there's something I need to tell you.

Mr. Bennet: Claire!
Claire Bennet: Dad. Dad.
Mr. Bennet: It's okay. You're okay.
Claire Bennet: Dad, it was terrible, Jackie, she...
Mr. Bennet: I know, I know.
Claire Bennet: We have to go back. We... we have to go back, Peter...
Mr. Bennet: No, no, no.
Claire Bennet: He saved my life!
Mr. Bennet: No, no, no, he'll be fine.
Claire Bennet: But we can't leave him. We can't leave him. He almost died, but then he... He... We have to go back! We have to go back!
Mr. Bennet: The police'll take care of everything.

Sandra Bennet: [Regarding the meeting with Claire's biological parents] Should you be eavesdropping?
Mr. Bennet: Yes.

Matt Parkman: What do you want from me?
Mr. Bennet: We wanna know more about you.

Mr. Bennett: So is that the quarterback?
Claire Bennet: Who?
Mr. Bennett: The boy that you like right over there.
Claire Bennet: I don't "like" him. I mean he's a very nice boy, but...
Claire Bennet: yes, he's the quarterback.
Mr. Bennett: You really wanted to make me happy, you'd only date nerds. Well it worked out very well for your mother.

Mr. Bennet: Clairebear! How was school?
Claire Bennet: Very school-like. How was work?
Mr. Bennet: Very work-like.

Heroes Quotes

Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys