HRG: I told you to stay put.
Sylar: You told me that to make sure I didn't, didn't you?

HRG: This is all one big game to her.
Sylar: Maybe. But aren't you curious how it all plays out?

HRG: You know how this works: one of us, one of them.
Angela: Don't worry, I have the perfect "one of them" in mind.

Since before you were even born, I was finding these people and locking them away so they couldn’t hurt anybody.

HRG [to Claire]

Bob: Noah, we have a problem.
Noah: I'm not part of your "We". Do you remember?

Elle: I don’t have anyone else to talk to.
Bennet: They wanted to see how much wattage you could discharge enough to power a flashlight, streetlamp, an entire city block. During the testing you’d pass out from the strain. We’d all want to call it a day, but daddy said “no my girls tougher than that”. You were seven. The hardest thing a parent ever does is to have to see their child in pain. Most parents.
Bob: Elle, what are you doing here?
Elle: …Leaving.

Noah: I was there. When your father first brought you in. You were a normal girl. Unicorns and rainbows, and then they started the testing. The human brain isn’t built to take that much electricity. You poor girl.
Elle: My father would never let that happen.
Noah: Your father was leading the charge

Noah: I need to speak to your father.
Elle: What do you think, this my first day?

Stings like a bitch, doesn't it?

Mr. Bennet

You’d be surprised what a father will do for his daughter.

Mr. Bennet

Mr. Bennet: You taught me well, my friend. You said make it look as if we were never there. So now, we weren’t. Instead there was a simple home invasion, a senseless murder…
Ivan: I am offering you a way out! You can stop running. Shoot me and there is no turning back. You’ll condemn yourself to hell!
Mr. Bennet: (fires) I know.

To bring down this company, sometimes we have to do bad things.

Mr. Bennet

Heroes Quotes

Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys